please tell me
when will the support youtube 4k?
please tell me
when will the support youtube 4k?
srt subs are the most basic of basic for shouldn't really be having problems with srt...if its was ass..then yea I could see it
all you guys with dvb problems...why not get a second hand pc...load libreelec on sure it would work better that way..then with a under powereed tv box with no proper gpu drivers
Display Moredon´t understand techgurus posting.
This thread is for [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912.
I know, there are no Mali GPU drivers. But the libhybris thing.
The device is working really fine with this drivers. The only issue I have is this with the live HD channels.
So I gave some feedback. Not more. And I hope this issue can be solved in future releases.
Btw, this is the first time I bought a device without problems using android with Magendanz Stock ROM.
I do have deep respect about all the hard Work done by libreelec developers.
Atm for me and for this S912 device it is not the best solution because I use it for watching live tv in HD mostly.
its a joke (or is it?) the libhybris drivers are pretty crap for 3d acceleration in gaming
real drivers would make the s912 chip MUCH better
A full featured open source alternative would be ideal, but in reality this is never going to happen. Just looking at the state of the open source attempts for way older mali chips should tell you enough.
Please continue this repeating off-topic discussion in a separate thread. Search the forum for post by chewitt and kszaq for earlier dead-end replies.
it could happen if someone started a patreon for it.....$ gets $hit done
Im putting together a team to infiltrate ARM holdings to steal the source code to the MALI drivers....
can't guarantee your safety or that any will make it back alive....
yea I saw that thread.....that seems pretty old already
feb 2017...
retroarch is already on linux so it shouldn't be too hard to port it to LE
anyone tried on Mecool M8S PRO L?
how do we get retroarch on s912 running LE?
and preferably one thats in active development and not really old
how do you get a version of retroarch on this build of LE?
mecool pro L