Hi LuRu, livs, sorry for kicking an old thread, but is there any update since last year? What are latest correct working versions for LE11 and RPi3? Thnx. Would be nice if this would be included in an AddOn repo directly from LibreElec.
EDIT: I have tried to merge code for SH1122 with Luma and OledProc. It almost works... I get an image on the SH1122 display, but it is scrambled. I can recognize the information. Sometimes it is quite readable, somtimes it is more like snow. Anyone can point me in the right direction? I based it all on the SSD1322 code (since this is also a 256x64 display with SPI). One picture shows the logo (apparently multiple times in the top row). Other picture shows text "1234", which is the first line in my LCD.xml, to test some static text. The "1234" should be in the top left corner.
For me some conclusions:
- The connections to the display seem to work fine.
- The screen is not cleared properly (or not fully written?)
- All items are written multiple times to the display.
Anyone can point me in a direction towards the solution?
See my scratch code on GitHub, I only changed the following files:
- luma/oled/const.py
- luma/oled/__init__.py
- luma/oled/device/__init__.py
- oledproc/service.py
- oledproc/resources/settings.xml
Edit: I tried several initialisations. All from a working setup with an SH1122 SPI display, one from a luma.oled issue and one for an arduino I found somewhere. I'm not sure if my issue is an initialisation issue, or a control issue (resolution? buffer?)
Edit (again): I was playing around with settings and selected the SSD1322_nhd. This gives a proper image, only the start position seems to be off. The text "1234" should be in the top left corner. I do not get this, since the display was sold as a SH1122 and I can only find this display as an SH1122 on the internet. I do not know how (and mainly where) to fix the position. The SSD1322_nhd is fixed to 128x64, where my display is 256x64 (according to the specs...). When I choose the SSD1322 I get a scrambled image. Just to be sure, I reverted to the original install files provided in this thread. When selecting the SSD1322_nhd, it gives same result as in below picture, where everything s shifted. My display shows printed on the rear: GME25664-65.