Posts by Jayge91

    Little update:

    I've managed to successfully build a docker container utilizing ubuntu and have rpi-tools and all dependencies up and running.

    But I am unable to use the gpio utility due to an issue with the /proc/cpuinfo file.

    The file is missing crucial information for gpio to operate properly:

    Hardware    : ODROID-C2
    Revision    : 020c

    Now to figure out how to get that corrected...


    I want to implement pwm fan control and status LEDs via python scripts, but I'm running into an issue with trying to install the RPi Tools add-on.

    In the stock supplied "LibreELEC Add-ons" repo, there's nothing with RPi, wiring, or GPIO at all. When I bring up the GitHub page, I can see that RPi.GPIO is listed in the directory (here).

    When I download the .zip and attempt to install within Kodi, I get the following error in the log:

    17:25:53.605 T:548179947520 ERROR: Failed to read 'zip://'

    Not really sure how to continue, as no one (according to my google searches) seems to have covered an issue like this. Any ideas?

    I'm on LibreELEC 8.2