Posts by Jay76

    Hi, what I’m trying to achieve on my Raspberry Pi 3 is to be able to change the volume for each individual speaker, throughout the research I have done, all I can find is how to add the master volume control.

    The issue is, the rear speakers are too near my ears and need the volume turned down slightly, I know I’m leaving myself open with this as someone is going to say ‘sit somewhere else’ lol 😂 it’s my bedroom and the speakers are on the wall near to the headboard, hense the issue.

    I already have the multimedia tools addon installed, but cannot find for the life of me find the ways to get all 6 speakers volume controls working in alsamixer.X(

    If it can’t be done, then that’s ok, but if it can, it’d be awesome! :)


    I have just installed TVHeadend and your two addons on my both my Raspberry pi’s, as I needed schedules direct and an easier way to scan channels. It now completes the setup as being a set top box. Many many thanks to you for your addons, as this makes the whole setup seamless.

    I know this is meant for support, but wanted to give thanks where it’s due