Posts by Dolence

    Dolence I already asked you on wetekforums to provide your Kodi debug log: Libreelec + VDR = no sound on some HD channels - WeTek Community Forum, but you sent kernel log instead.

    Yeah, I know and apologize. I have cleared the kodi log before starting and don't know why the file wasn't created until I did a reboot on system. Anyway, I made a new upload and corrected the link. Thank you again.

    Hi guys!

    I started a topic in Wetek forums but things seems to be very quiet there, so I decided to post here too.

    I have VDR as my DVB-C PVR backend and almost all HD channels aren't outputing any audio. When I try to change the audio source there wasn't any to choose from. I was thinking it had something to do with h264, then I noticed tha sound is working on some HD h.264 channels.

    VDR connects to Oscam via TCP sockets on port 2000. In the past when I had a similar setup using PC architeture I used to connect them via unix file. I don't remember how to do this way anymore and TCP sockets is the default and recommended method actually.

    I made some tests using tvheadend and sound is ok on all channels. I think It's something vdr (client or backend) related.

    I live with tvheadend but I never could make recordings work on it. Everytime I start a new recording it ends right after it starts. Beside that, VDR appears to be way faster on channel switching.

    My system setup:
    - Libreelec 8.2.0 (latest release) running from SD CARD.
    - VDR backend - Libreelec repo
    - VDR VNSI - Libreelec repo
    - Oscam - Libreelec repo

    Any advice would be very appreciated, thanks in advance.