Posts by DJ 1

    Thank's for this link.

    I solved the problem pretty easy:

    I create the file /storage/.kodi/userdata/ which contains the following python code

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import xbmc
    xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.AlarmClock(shutdowntimer,XBMC.Powerdown(), 90)")

    After the boot it starts the buildt-in function AlarmClock().

    I'm not great with python or nothing but looks like it shuts off 90mins after booting each time it's on?

    Anyhow, as long as it works for what you need..

    If you know of how.. itd be nice to use the time specified script (I linked) to do same thing on Ubuntu (16)
    I assume it could be done similarly?

    Or 'remotely shutdown of Ubuntu' i read ages ago there was a package looked for email & when it saw new mail it would run script...
    But the package was buggy, outdated etc

    Don't know If you know of any way?


    Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

    Well for iperf3 it's not iperf but iperf3 :P
    and, as a side note, on LibreELEC the server is listening to a non-default port, so the right command is :

    iperf3 -c -p 5201

    cheers, that works.

    is there just that 1 test that can be run with, or other, ta?

    Connect to your nuc via ssh and start iperf as a server :

    iperf -s

    Download iperf for windows here : iPerf - Download iPerf3 and original iPerf pre-compiled binaries

    Open a cmd in the windows iperf folder then start a client :

    iperf -c <IP of your nuc>

    ok, i got latest win10 iperf, tried both 64 and 32bit

    via ssh started up
    iperf -s

    Server listening on 5201

    then in iperf folder cmd
    iperf -c

    C:\Users\Darren\Desktop\iperf-3.1.3-win64>iperf -c
    'iperf' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.


    Hi, I got Millhouse v18 on a nuc...
    I put network tools add-on with has a iperf3 in it..
    Went to the windows machine with putty
    (can't remember the exact command off the top of my head) but it results in 'error - connection refused'

    Is there something I need to do b4 trying to connect via ash?


    Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

    Ok..i just tried it and works nicely. I read before that if poweroff during streaming etc that its important to do a proper shutdown as to not corrupt anything?..
    Is this good enough as a 'clean shutdown'?


    Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

    Hi, so I have a Intel nuc that is used for more than 1 thing...

    By default it boots into an Ubuntu install that's for Usenet etc..

    I use LibreElec on same nuc under a different partition...

    It auto powers on every day via a rtc wake alarm in the morning (thus ready for Usenet at any time)

    If I use LibreElec I don't wanna mess around with custom shutdown every time, is it possible to either via add-on or running a script have LibreElec auto shutdown daily at a set time?
    (in case I forget.. As it needs to be in a off state for the rtc Alarm to wake it...[WHITE SMILING FACE])


    Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk