Posts by Martingclark


    I posted this ages ago and havent found a solution, I have 1 tv server running which pc clients can access and play live tv no problem, whereas raspberry pi clients cannot, it appears in the kodi interface with the play icon top left but no picture appears, this has only became an issue since kodi 17.3 and above, any earlier raspberry clients work without issue to the very same tv server (argus by the way).

    Last responses were to setup loggin which ive done, but the logs are empty after i try to view live tv then view the logs, also trying to get the short url after asking it to get logs results in "failed to paste log files".

    to make matters worse picture wont upload on here either, i tried that too.

    Hi I have a TV server using argus and other PC's and android devices as clients running Kodi 17.5.

    The latest version in which live tv works in this setup on the raspberry pi's is Kodi 17.3. any newer versions live tv just says working but never actually starts TV. Has anyone figured out if this can be fixed, as I say all clients above 17.3 work as long as they aren't raspberry pi's