Posts by nuke2000

    Perhaps the above is a little jumbled. A simplified version of the request below.

    • Expand /amend the menu invoked in 'media settings/video/default select action/choose' - to include 'queue', 'queue next', 'show info' and 'more'
    • New setting in 'media settings/music/default select action' for option to choose the above menu for audio as well as video (perhaps options for audio should be 'choose' and 'default' (default honouring the current setting for music in player settings)

    Of course the ability for the user to customise the 'choose' menu would be great and allow for loads more options both for queuing and other actions to be made available in the future. These options could then be added/removed /moved by the user as required to suit there preference . I suspect this would be a big ask though!

    Thanks again

    Hi there. Good to see Libreelec has picked up where openelec left off!

    One thing i have always wanted from kodi was more flexibility with the default select action for music (both music videos and audio). Currently you can change whether audio plays or is queued when selected in 'player settings'. With video you can change default select action to 'choose' in 'media settings' which gives the option to 'play' 'show info' or 'more' (more giving the option to add to queue).

    The feature request i would love to see is expansion of the 'choose' context menu to firstly move the ,'queue' selection out of the 'more' sub menu and in to the root menu. The other request is to add an option 'queue next' to the context menu which would add the selected item to play after the current playing item in the queue. Of course there are loads of different ways you could queue an item but the menu would get very cluttered (unless the end user had the ability to edit what is and is not displayed that is) I would say the most useful and frequently used would be adding a selection to play next though. Jriver MC (theatre view) solution is elegant, giving you many ways to add a video or audio to the queue but it remembers the last selection as the main select option so you don't have to scroll through the list of options every time. Don't know if you guys have used it but worth a look if not. Unfortunately for my requirements Jriver mc does not cut it at all (else i would not be here using Libreelec which is far more suited to my requirements in every other way!)

    It would seem elegant to have a unified approach to both audio and video media types so perhaps an option for 'choose' in media settings for audio like we have already for video?

    Many thanks and keep up the great work :)