Posts by edit4ever

    I assume you have setup your username/password in the sd2xmk add-on configure screen.

    If so, next it would help to see the other log file. There is a log in the .kodi/add-ons/tools.module.sd2xmltv folder. That one may have more info on why the grab failed.

    As an FYI - .kodi is a hidden folder so you can't browse to it from your Mac unless you setup your samba config file. I can help with that - but not until I get back to my system later tonight so I can look at the settings to share with you.

    To make it easier - just download the file to a usb drive. Plug that into the LibreELEC pi and install the addon from zip.

    You should disable the addon on the rasbian pi as it will be easier to just have it running on the same system as the tvh backend.

    Hopefully you can see the LibreELEC pi on a screen so you can configure the addon with your credentials. Then you can set things up from the tvh web interface.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Thank you for the quick reply! However, its best not to assume anything with me. I have not downloaded it because....I have no idea how to. Since I am using Raspbian on my Pi, I have no idea what code to use to download and run it.

    If you're running raspbian - you can download the link in the previous post and put it in the kodi/userdata/download folder. Then from inside of kodi, you can go to the addon section, select install from zip and navigate to your download folder and sleect the zap2xml file that you downloaded.

    Do you know how to access the tvheadend web interface?

    OK here is an updated release:

    This should solve the program icon issue that some people have been seeing. It also fixes issues with foreign language characters.

    In addition, this build contains a new set of separators for the "Append Extra Details" option. You now can choose from the following separators:

    • Bullet
    • Hyphen
    • Line Break
    • Space
    • Colon
    • Vertical Bar
    • Slash
    • Comma

    Unfortunately, this required a rearranging of that option list that will likely mess up your current list and you will need to reconfigure your settings.

    If after upgrading you have issues with the "Append Extra Details" list, you may need to delete your user settings for zap2xml and reconfigure them.

    Please let me know if you have any problems with this build. I'm hoping to release to the LE repo in the next few weeks.

    Looks like another issue with the program icons. I'm wondering if something has changed at the Screener site that is causing a problem.

    Delete all the files that start with I in your cache folder and turn off the "Download program icons" option.

    Let me know if that brings back the full 14 days.

    Also, I have an updated version that adds additional separator options for the "Aoend extra details" option and also deals with foreign language characters in the guide. I may look at this icon issue before I release that update.

    I'm using both a hauppauge 950q and a kworld 435q

    Still working on getting the hauppauge dual-win HD 955D working (dual ATSC tuners) - one tuner is now supported in Linux kernel 4.9...But still waiting for someone to figure out the empia patch needed to get the second tuner working.

    Any help would be great

    I assume you have downloaded the sd2xmltv addon:

    If you have installed that and setup it's configure screen with your schedules direct login should see an sd2xmltv grabber on the tvheadend web interface under the CONFIGURATION > CHANNEL/EPG > EPG GRABBER MODULES tab. You'll need to enable this grabber and any other grabbers that are enabled.

    Now, you'll need the grabber to run for the first time to pull the channel list from the lineup you set on the schedules direct website. You can force it to run by clicking the "Re-run internal EPG grabbers" button on that same tvheadend tab. I would suggest opening the logging window at the bottom of the screen so you can watch it run.

    When it has finished, it should have listed a number of new channels in the logging screen, but you will not have programs yet. Now you need to go to the CONFIGURATION > CHANNEL/EPG > CHANNELS tab. Here you will see an EPG source column that is likely blank for all your channels. If you double click in the white space in that column, you should get a dropdown of the channels that the sd2xmltv grabber pulled. Select the correct channel for each of the channels that you have and now your EPG source will be set.

    Run the internal grabber again and you should see program listings when it completes. Please note that it my take a little longer for the first run as it has to pull program data for all the channels for a lot of days!

    If you have other questions - just ask! :)

    2016-12-15 17:36:56,107 Getting: gridDetailService?pgmId=SH003304050000
    2016-12-15 17:36:56,239 [D] Parsing: SH003304050000
    2016-12-15 17:36:56,241 Getting: gridDetailService?rtype=pgmimg&pgmId=SH003304050000

    Anything catch your attention?

    That is strange as it looks like it stopped mid download. Usually this is a timeout issue - but there should have been an indication of a server timeout error.

    Try turning off the Download Extra Program Details option for now. That will stop the -D option which downloads and parses the extra show information. That way we can see if it will just pull a standard listing.

    What is the path to your addons? for example - on my system it is: /storage/.kodi/addons/

    I'm guessing it is: /home/osmc/.kodi/addons

    If that is so - try adding the following before the import mechanize line:


    Or try chaning the kodiPath = '/storage/.kodi/addons/' line to: kodiPath = '/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/'

    The addon was originally written for OE/LE installations and hasn't been optimized for other installs. Weird that it worked for you before then stopped working after an update.

    It really feels like a "pathing" issue but I don't know enuf to be sure. Actually, I took a look at the 'import' command and it tells python to look for a module. Not sure if a folder/directory constitutes a module. So, maybe I'm actually missing a piece.

    I'm open to more ideas/suggestions....

    I'm actually thinking the issue is that kodi path - as you are using OSMC. I'm only familiar with LibreELEC and OpenELEC. You mention that you have a ~/.kodi/addons folder. The addon references the kodi path as /storage/.kodi/addons/

    Perhaps try changing the kodi path to /home/osmc/.kodi/addons/ in the file??

    Work on internal driver in progress. Still buggy, but now is running, no crashing.
    For preview my working SD card version for KI Plus build on latest kszaq's Krypton Alpha version.

    Device tree blob is in image.

    Final stage will be public internal driver build on ljalves sources able to run under latest amlogic linux kernel.

    Will it be possible for you to include the MN88436 and Mxl608 drivers (ATSC from Videostrong sample) as you work those builds?

    I working on new features in my zap2xml addon - but am having trouble getting BeautifulSoup to be recognized. I have added the following to the addon.xml:

    <import addon="script.module.beautifulsoup4" version="4.3.2"/>

    And can confirm the dependency installed and is running.

    I added the following to my addon script:

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    But get the follwoing error when trying to run the script:

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup ImportError: No module named bs4

    I'm not sure what is wrong - this is running on a modified drieschel/kszaq amlogic build - so maybe something is different in the amlogic builds? Thanks for any thoughts!

    I'm curious how the additional elements affect the EPG in TvH. Can you explain a little what these are for and how I would use them?

    Basically - depending on what skin you are using to display your may want to see additional info but the skin doesn't have the option to show it. For example, the Confluence skin doesn't show the original air date of an episode in the epg screen. You have to go into the epsiode info screen to see that.

    If you want to see the original airdate in the normal epg screen, you can use the "append xtra details to the program description" option. Then on the "xtra details order" tab, you can add the plot and original air dates to the list. You can even add a bullet or hyphen between them. Or add a line break between them and the original air date will appear below the plot description.

    All of the items that you add to the "xtra details order" tab will be written in the plot description field in the order you select. This modifies the original plot description when writing the xmltv.xml file that tvheadend reads. Then this info will be displayed in your skin anywhere the plot description is normally seen.

    You can always turn it on, try a few items to see how they look, adjust or turn it off if you don't like it!

    Please keep in mind that depending on how you have your guide data refresh setup in kodi, you may need to reboot or even clear guide data in order to read in the new info. Also, once you make the changes to the xtra details list, you need to rerun the grabber (which you can trigger in tvheadend) to get the updated xmltv.xml file to write out.

    If that was confusing - please feel free ask any questions!!

    P.S. I (and Schmell) are working on an issue with Spanish language (and other) characters. I think I have a fix, but can't test it until I return home this weekend.

    I have a new beta release which adds a new option to add and sort extra details in the description field. This is useful if the skin you are using doesn't display all the data you want. You can now add/adjust that data in the description (plot) field. While the proper way to display data is editing the skin - not everyone will be comfortable with that. So here's an alternative option for you!

    Currently I have the following elements that can be added/sorted:

    None / BULLET / HYPHEN / Plot Description / New-Live Indicator / HD Indicator / CC Indicator / Season-Episode Number / TV Rating / Original Air Date / Program Title / Episode Title / Episode Title in Quotes / Cast / Movie Release Year / LINE BREAK

    If there are other suggestions for fields or characters, please let me know.


    Source: GitHub - edit4ever/script.module.zap2xml at xdetails

    Also let me know if you see any issues!

    I think the cache folder is hidden when browsing from Windows explorer, too, so I may had missed what had built up in there. I'll check that out before I delete everything.

    You should only have to delete the cache folder and then rerun the start there before deleting everything.

    Cache folder is under the .kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml folder - so yes it is hidden. However, if you're going to play around with addons, you can see that folder in windows by adding the following to your samba.conf file (which is under the Configfiles folder)

      path = /storage/.kodi
      available = yes
      browsable = yes
      public = yes
      writable = yes
      root preexec = mkdir -p /storage/.kodi

    If you only have the samba.conf.sample file - just remove the .sample part and edit the file adding the above code to the bottom. After a reboot, you should see the kodi folder from windows. Of course, be careful when working in this folder - but it makes it easy to work on addons! :)