I've created a test version of Astrilchuk's sd2xmltv addon with the following additional kodi options:
- set number of days to download
- enable hdhomerun channel filtering
- enable file based channel filtering
These options existed in the command line version of sd2xmltv - but this is easier for most people to configure.
Here is test version: tools.module.sd2xmltv-0.1.3beta.zip
To use the hdhomerun channel filtering:
- Install the addon
- Open the configure screen
- Enter your SD login credentials
- Set the number of days to download from 1-14
- Set the hdhomerun option to discover or ip (discover searches your network for your hdhomerun)
- If you know your hdhomerun ip address, select ip and you can enter it
- Continue normal grabber setup in tvheadend for the sd2mltv grabber (may require a reboot to see grabber)
-- you may need to follow the lineup configuration mentioned in this post: LibreELEC
To use the file based channel filtering:
- Install the addon
- Open the configure screen
- Enter your SD login credentials
- Leave the number of days to download at 0
- Continue normal grabber setup in tvheadend for the sd2mltv grabber (may require a reboot to see grabber)
- -- you may need to follow the lineup configuration mentioned in this post: LibreELEC
- Once grabber has run it will not generate program listings - but will pull the lineup channels
- A new file called filter.cfg will be created in the /userdata/addon_data/tools.module.sd2xmltv folder
- Open this file with a text editor and follow the included instructions to move channels to to either included or excluded section
- Save and close the file
- You can return to the kodi sd2xmltv addon configure screen and set the number of days to download from 1-14
- From the tvheaded web interface - rerun the internal grabber or reboot - this should now download program data for the channels you moved to the included list in the filter.cfg file
I'm hoping if this works (please post if you have errors) so I can move on to building a kodi configure screen for the filter.cfg file. Then channels can be added and removed from within kodi.
* One additional note - for testing I had to hardcode the the logging.cfg path due to issues I was having. I don't believe this will cause any issues for LE users.