Any chance the work that has been done with this PPA installation could be used to get the LE kernel updated for us to use the WinTV-DualHD on rpi or amlogic boxes?
Using it I was able to get both ATSC tuners running under ubuntu!
Any chance the work that has been done with this PPA installation could be used to get the LE kernel updated for us to use the WinTV-DualHD on rpi or amlogic boxes?
Using it I was able to get both ATSC tuners running under ubuntu!
Glad to hear it. I'm working on a addon to configure tvheadend from inside kodi - but feel free to send and issues or suggestions for the sd4tvh addon and I'll try to take them on as I can.
If you want the best data available...I suggest using schedules direct. For just $25 for the year you really get the most complete listings information available.
Depending on your setup, there are different ways to add schedules diredct to your tvheadend grabbers. I did create an addon for this as well: [WIP] Schedules Direct for Tvheadend addon
Of course, there are other ways to install a schedules direct grabber as well.
As for using - every website will have different coding, so my original zap2xml addon will not work with sites other than and (formerly
Since it is opnesource - someone can feel free to take my code and make it work with the other original work was derived from a number of other projects.
Hope that helps!!
Looking at the code on the uk website, it doesn't look like it would work. They use different data structure names on their guide page. The grabber code could be adapted if someone wants to take that on that project.
Doesn't the UK have decent EIT data in the OTA stream? Try using the built in tvh OTA grabber and see if that works for you.
+1 please. They just created a new feature for me in 4.3.60 so I can finish building a kodi fronted interface for configuring a basic tvh setup. I'd like to test it and I'm travelling, so I'm not in a place to build my rpi version. Thanks!
Glad to hear it's working! The epg in kodi sometimes needs a reboot in order to update after a manual grab of the guide in tvheadend - but it looks like you've discovered that.
As an FYI - the grabber will run again everytime you reboot (usualy within a few minutes) - you can also change the times that it runs automatically in tvheadend. By default it runs twice a day at 00:04 and 12:04 - which is more than enough to keep stable updates running. I usually recommend that folks slightly adjust those numbers so we all don't hit the server at the same time! You do that in the tvheadend web interface under the CONFIGURATION > CHANNEL/EPG > EPG GRABBER tab in the multi-cron area that contains this:
For reference - the digits are as follows:
# * * * * * command to execute
# ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬
# │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ └───── day of week (0 - 6 or Sunday - Saturday)
# │ │ │ └────────── month (1 - 12)
# │ │ └─────────────── day of month (1 - 31)
# │ └──────────────────── hour (0 - 23)
# └───────────────────────── min (0 - 59)
Just change the hour and/or minute in the cron multi-line to adjust and then hit save. (note the hour is currently set to twice a day by using */12 - star means any match - more details here: EPG Grabber - Tvheadend 4.0)
I'm just started working on a kodi addon to setup and configure tvheadend without having to use the web interface. This will make it a lot easier for people - but I'm having to figure out all the tvh apis as there isn't any documentation. Hoping to have something for folks to test in the next few weeks.
If this is the first time you are trying to run this - try turning off the xtra details option for now. It seems there is some bad data in there, so let's make sure you can first get a standard grid loaded.
Would also help to know how many days you're trying to download, what lineup your using and how many channels.
You can use the original work to setup a cron on your Synology. Just take a look here:
Hope that helps!
I have not added it there yet as there were still some issues that were being worked on when I have time. You can download the latest release from my gitub and install it from the addons settings:
Releases · edit4ever/script.module.zap2xml · GitHub
I'm still looking for feedback and issues - so please post any problems if you try it out! Thanks.
For a media server/pvr Kodi and LE make a great back end. Nice lightweight install, you can still ssh in if you run headless and if you want, you can use it as both backend and frontend for your system - which gives you an extra viewing device.
Good luck!
Nothing to forgive - we were all noobies once!
Unfirtunatley, my addon is built for a kodi system running as the backend for tvheadend. Tvheadend doesn' t have addons - but you can add new grabbers to the system in order to pull in guide data. My addon is partially built from the sd2xmltv project - which you can run on ubuntu. You can find it's information here:
GitHub - astrilchuk/sd2xmltv: A Schedules Direct to xmltv converter
There is also a grabber that can be run through the xmltv project on ubuntu. That info is here:
GitHub - kgroeneveld/tv_grab_sd_json: XMLTV grabber for the Schedules Direct JSON API
For true noobies - I created my kodi addon as running LE on a system and then installing the addon through the kodi interface is the easiest way to get setup and running. It removes all of the hassle for people who are not familiar with the command line.
You're probably correct on the permissions issue. Tvheadend is pretty particular on that. You could try to search for one of the other (32) grabber files and see what the permission settings are on that.
If you're only using the system as a tv/streaming backend - I think installing LE would serve you well as it is lighter weight than a full ubuntu install. I use my raspberry pi for my tvheadend and video file backend and stream it to many different devices. You can customize the samba share so that you can easily access any files/folders you want.
Of course - the other option is to run the zap2xml addon on a different syste and just tell your ubuntu install to look at that other system for the xmltv.xml file. Lots of options.
@pvchandler glad it worked for you!
To get the grabber running on a non-LE system...I think the key is determining where to install the grabber file and making sure it is executable. Do a search on the ubuntu system for the tv_grab_zap2xml file. If it is installed in the appropriate kodi addon folder it is likely just an issue with permissions. Check to see if the file is executable. If not, use the chmod +x command to make the file executable. Then reboot and see if the grabber shows up in tvheadend.
I assume you are not running the rpi headless...but if you are, it would be easiest to temporarily connect a monitor. Then download the addon and put it somewhere you can see from your rpi:
Then install the addon - I'm used to LE but on OSMC I honk it is under System -> Settings -> Addons -> Install from zip
Once you have the addon installed you should be able to set its config setting to enter your schedules direct username and password.
Once you do that, you should be able to run the addon to start the schedules direct lineup management.
Let me know which step isn't working for you. I'm traveling for a few days, but when I get back if you're still stuck I can try running OSMC on my rpi to see if the steps are different. Or if someone else wants to chime in and test on OSMC I'd appreciate it!
you may need to map the epg source to the channels manually <-- this is the part that I cannot do. The EPG source is blank. Nothing to select.
In that case - can you check two there a grabber named sd4tvh that is enabled in the CONFIGURATION > CHANNEL/EPG > EPG GRABBER MODULES tab?
If so - open the TVheadend log window at the bottom of that tab (press the double arrow in the bottom right)
Then click the Re-run Internal EPG Grabbers button near the top of the window and see what happens in the log window. (or if you know how to access the log - paste that)
You should see it run the grabber and after a minute or so it should list a number of channels found. Since you haven't mapped any channels, it won't list any programs - but should list the number of channels that the grab provided. If it looks like it runs in just a couple of seconds - chances are there is an issue with the grab and we will need to see the sd4tvh log that should be in your userdata/addon_data/script.module.sd4tvh folder
The addon has a setting for hdhomerun that should load the channels automatically. I don't have an hdhomerun, so I've never been able to test this. If the auto setting doesn't work, you can manually setup the lineup and channels through the addon...then in tvheadend you can link the channels to the schedules direct epg source. You can "subscribe" to a schedules direct account for free for 7 days, which should be enough for you to test out if it works. Here's a basic rundown of what to do:
Hopefully that gets you started. If you have trouble, just post where you got stuck
Good luck!.
One other thing to note - if you were trying to automap the epg source with the m3u file - there was an issue with tvheadend that was just addressed: Bug #4306: EPG source not automatically set - Tvheadend
That may have been causing your issue with the xmltv sd json grabber - but you still should have been able to manually map the epg source.
Thanks for looking into this. I don't actually know much about programming...I just got into this as a hobby and pieced together some work done by other folks to make this work.
I'm sure there is a much better/cleaner way to produce the addon - but I wanted to help get something quickly working with a kodi interface so others could get an epg up and running easily. My intention was only for over the air signals - as I'm a cord cutter who doesn't like the cable tv model - but obviously there are many people who would like a cable lineup epg, so hopefully there's a way to simplifiy this to work with limited ram usage.