Glad to hear it's working! I haven't added tvh2kodi to the repo yet as it is still going through some rapid changes and testing. Probably will submit that when LE 8.2 is released.
Depedning on where you live - the data you are seeing in the guide is from the OTA signal. A lot of stations do not provide good data with that - so most people use internet data. In my signature below you will see links to my zap2xml and sd4tvh addons that can pull epg data from the internet. Zap2xml is gathered from the zap2it website (you'll need to create an account there) - sd4tvh is epg data from schedules direct. It's the best data there is, but you will need to pay $25/yr for it. (about $2 a month for really good data - with picons and logos!)
If you want to compile your own version - it is included in cvh's master repo - so you could build off of that. Or if your putting together your own repo (with parts from different places) - just use svn to pull the media_build/sources directory and then copy over the linux-220-hauppauge... patch:
Then add the line below to your media_build/patches/media_build-02-add-to-backports.patch file:
+add linux-220-hauppauge_dualhd_second_tuner_support.patch
Finally - if you want to work off the main LE repo for your builds...the patch is included in branches 8.2 as well as master.
And if you want to live cutting edge alpha software without compiling yourself - just download the milhouse builds from LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)
Have fun!