Posts by edit4ever

    I had feedback in the kodi forum that my zap2xml grabber was not showing up in an ubuntu install - when I looked, it seemed that the file was not showing up as executable for others.

    I work in between a virtualbox ubuntu install and windows. It seems that when I move the file to the windows drive - it loses that permission.

    Is there a way to work in windows and keep the file with 777 permissions?

    Quick question as I'm still learning. The addons I have built for tvheadend grabbers use #!/bin/sh at the top to make them executable as I work to develop under LE.

    However, this apparently means the grabbers won't work on Ubuntu systems. That needs something like #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash

    Does this mean I have to maintain two versions of the addon? Or is there a way to make this file executable on LE installations and other Linux installations like Ubuntu?

    You can back up all your tvheadend settings by copying the userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42 folder

    Then if you reinstall a clean tvheadend - just don't copy over the accesscontrol folder.

    But - if you can access the accesscontrol folder - just open the files that are in there (with any text editor) and you can see what the username is.  :)

    tvheadend will not be able to show previous recordings that were made before this installation. It will only have a database for recordings from this point on.

    To solve combing the two - you want to setup your /var/media/TV/Recorded TV/ folder in your Kodi library.

    From thej Kodi homescreen:

    • select Videos
    • select Files
    • select Add videos
    • click browse
    • You may have to select Root filesystem to navigate to /media/TV/Recorded TV/ (unless TV shows up in your Home folder
    • Once you navigate to /media/TV/Recorded TV/ selectr OK - then go down and select OK
    • Then change "This directory contains to TV Shows and select OK
    • Say yes to refresh the library

    This will now add all your previous (and future) recordings to the Kodi TV Shows menu item

    If you enable samba - just browse using whatever file manager you normally use. In my case - windows explorer (not internet explorer or edge)

    The system shows up on the network as whatever system name - default was LIBREELEC

    If you can't see it - yes you can just type in \\your.ip.address

    through putty - you can change directory with cd - so:

    cd /var/media/TV would switch to you your drive

    then type ls to list all the folders/files on the drive

    But here's a better tip - if you just want to browse the drive - if you enable samba in libreelec - you can browse the drive over the network from windows (or another os)

    As for the path in tvheadend - yes it would be /var/media/TV/Recorded TV/

    please note the last slash and for linux - upper/lower case matters :)

    putty is easy to use for ssh from another pc - i don't think you can open a terminal in a browser.

    For the recording path - if you're using my addon - the setting is in the DVR configuration section

    If you're using the tvheadend web interface - it's under the CONFIGURATION > RECORDING tab

    you will see a Recording system path: section

    Just put in the path - so for example, I have a USB drive named REC - so my path is: /var/media/REC/

    LE should mount your drive to the /var/media/NAME OF YOUR DRIVE path

    If you want timeshifting to work (pause live tv) - then you need to enable and set a path on that tab as well.

    Tvheadend just provides the information to the kodi pvr - so you can use whatever skin you like. If you like Myth TV - you might want to look at the Titan skin.

    To setup tvheadend, It may be easiest to download my tvh2kodi addon - this will let you configure tvheadend from within the kodi interface and get you up and running with the basics pretty quickly.

    tvh2kodi addon - configure tvheadend from kodi interface

    You do need to install the tvheadend service and pvr client addons from the LE repository first. And disbable the mythtv addon.

    Once you install the addons - just run tvh2kodi and to get a basic setup going, run the wizard. That will setup the network and one of the tuners and scan for channels. After that, you can enable the other tuners (in the adpaters section) so you have all four active and available.

    Glad to hear it's working! I haven't added tvh2kodi to the repo yet as it is still going through some rapid changes and testing. Probably will submit that when LE 8.2 is released.

    Depedning on where you live - the data you are seeing in the guide is from the OTA signal. A lot of stations do not provide good data with that - so most people use internet data. In my signature below you will see links to my zap2xml and sd4tvh addons that can pull epg data from the internet. Zap2xml is gathered from the zap2it website (you'll need to create an account there) - sd4tvh is epg data from schedules direct. It's the best data there is, but you will need to pay $25/yr for it. (about $2 a month for really good data - with picons and logos!)

    If you want to compile your own version - it is included in cvh's master repo - so you could build off of that. Or if your putting together your own repo (with parts from different places) - just use svn to pull the media_build/sources directory and then copy over the linux-220-hauppauge... patch:


    Then add the line below to your media_build/patches/media_build-02-add-to-backports.patch file:

    +add linux-220-hauppauge_dualhd_second_tuner_support.patch

    Finally - if you want to work off the main LE repo for your builds...the patch is included in branches 8.2 as well as master.

    And if you want to live cutting edge alpha software without compiling yourself - just download the milhouse builds from LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)

    Have fun!