It works fine. There is also a backup (and restore) function built-in to the LE settings add-on.K
I forgot about that chewitt just created backup. so simple
Thanks for your help
It works fine. There is also a backup (and restore) function built-in to the LE settings add-on.K
I forgot about that chewitt just created backup. so simple
Thanks for your help
I eventually did a clean install and all working now. Unfortunately I didn't have a backup but didn't take too long. This time I decided to create some profiles so it's much better to use now.
I will get a backup add-on and save myself time if it ever happens again. I was thinking using the default Add-on Manager from KODI, is that a good choice?
I'm using an RPi 3B+ with a CEC Panasonic TV, too, and it still works fine. On the RPi side, CEC is active by default. On the TV side, check that Viera Link is active (different name for CEC). Maybe your Panasonic TV got an update.
If that doesn't help, try a different HDMI cable.
Hi Da Flex, I just checked Settings > Viera Link, and it was OFF so I toggled it on and hey presto! the TV remote is now working, how about that. That was a great suggestion, thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated. This is a great forum, so helpful.
I'm using an RPi 3B+ with a CEC Panasonic TV, too, and it still works fine. On the RPi side, CEC is active by default. On the TV side, check that Viera Link is active (different name for CEC). Maybe your Panasonic TV got an update.
If that doesn't help, try a different HDMI cable.
thanks for quick reply, I'll do as you suggested and and let you know how I get on
I have been using LibreELEC on several models of Raspberry Pi over past few years. Normally the Panasonic TV remote is enough to navigate the menu, but yesterday it stopped working and I can no longer navigate. I can navigate the meus OK using a standard wireless computer keyboard so LIbreELEC seems to be working but just not with the TV remote.
I tried resetting TV to factory settings but problem still exists.
Is there any settings in LibreELEC that could have changed to cause this to happen?
any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to ssh to my LibreELEC (raspberry pi) but forgot password.
$ ssh [email protected]
password: libreelec
doesn't work, I must have changed it during first install, but I've forgot password
is there a way to reset the password?
I asked this question on another thread but didn't want to highjack that thread so deleted and created a new thread...
I am looking for best and/or recommended way to boot LibreELEC on RPi4 from SDcard for system and use USB for storage.
I remember a few years ago I managed to boot LibreELEC on original RPi and RPi2 using using both SD card for system and USB for storage
I followed the instruction on the Kode wiki page... HOW-TO:Install XBMC on Raspberry Pi with USB drive - Official Kodi Wiki
I then edited the "cmdline.txt" file with following text...
boot=LABEL=SYSTEM disk=LABEL=STORAGE ssh quiet
This method worked successfully for several setups. But I understand this method may not work properly on the new RPi4.
I have found some help online, but there are a few different methods and I'm not sure which best.
Q1. Is it still recommended to use both SD card for boot and USB for storage to improve the preformance of the system and/or save wear and tear on the SD card.?
Q1. If so, is it best to now use UUID instead of partition label?
Q2. If I use my previous method (but use UUID instead of partition label), is it true that future updates could revert the setup back to SD card for both system and storage unless you change the partion label names (now called LIBREELEC and STORAGE)?.
Is there a recommend best and/or safe method to do this, any good links I can use?
Any help would be appreciated, as my memory/computer skills are not a good as they used to be. Thanks for any help you can provide.
No. Unlike the RPi3B+ which can boot from USB, the RPi4B does not support booting from USB (yet).
You can boot from the SDcard and use USB as a subsequent system and storage drive. There are tutorials for that online.
I had same problem but I found this solution...
so didn't need to make any changes to /flash/config.txt
Are you using the hdmi port next to the raspberry pi's power jack ?
hi, blueribb
I was having same problem, and found this post with your suggested solution. My audio is now working OK !
Just wanted to say, many thanks for you tip.
Thus, the simple answer to your question is: no.
if your Laptop is 32bit ONLY then x86_64 won't work
(64bit only)
I had a feeling i was barking up the wrong tree never mind, I suppose you have to let some old technology go eventually. thanks for feedback.
When I look on DistroWatch table.php?distribution=libreelec
I can see it states following supported architectures ....
Architecture: armhf, armv7, i386, x86_64
Does that mean the .tar file would update my 32-bit system ok?
I have an old 32-bit laptop and I have installed a couple of linux distros as well as OpenELEC 5.0.8 setup which is on separate System and Data partitions with a boot entry in the grub menu. it works OK but I would like to update to latest LibreELEC.
I had a look for the latest .tar update file for LibreELEC but can only see this version...
I'm not sure if this will work on my 32-bit laptop as it states x86_64 which I think means 64-bit. Any advice would be appreciated.