Trying my MCE remote with H5 OrangePi PC2 and a recent nightly build for the first time, actually it's a Logitech Harmony configured as MCE which has always worked with LE. Not here, Kodi doesn't react. When I test it in the terminal I get for example:
OPiPC2elec:~ # ir-keytable -p rc-6 -t
Protocols changed to rc-6
Testing events. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
57.365119: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f041e toggle=1
57.470990: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f041e toggle=1
57.576868: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f041e toggle=1
60.244204: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f041f
60.350077: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f041f
60.455978: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f041f
63.951376: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0420 toggle=1
64.057253: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0420 toggle=1
64.163130: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0420 toggle=1
65.158336: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421
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The sensor is working but there are no events generated it seems. According to Infra-Red Remotes - MCE is supposed to always work out of the box. What am I missing?
Edit: Turned off CEC in settings, makes no difference.