Posts by fmonnot

    Well seen, that's the problem.

    The SD Card is a 16 Gb size.

    There is a Raspian and Libreelec installed on it.

    LibreElec use 100% size = 4,6Gb. I thhougt it was thinner than that.

    I removed some jpg files into thumbnails folders, but it freed only 200 Mo.

    4Gb is it a normal size for LibreElec ?

    I haven't nothing stored locally on SDCard except the system with 3 or 4 addons.

    Is there some others files that can be deleted as for exemple updates packages previously downloaded ?


    Hello ;

    I have a raspberry PI 3 with LibreElec 8.1.1

    Since few days I can't access to internet anymore. (but LibreElec seen there is Addons / System update available)

    Network settings are Ok (I can access to my NAS for exemple).

    I can't download update for LE (8.1.2 version) and I cant updates AddOns

    If I look into kodi.log file I have a error about Addons27.db that is full.

    I have few Addons (Youtube / Spotify / Arte+7 GDrive and frReplay that's all)

    Is there a way to manage database or the only way is to delete database ? What are the impact to delete Addons27.db

    If somebody can help me on my problem !
