Posts by mordorian
I was playing a bit with ALSA sound on kszaq LibreELEC (S905x box)
trying to run this command:
aplay -D dmix test.wav
I got error 'slave plugin does not support mmap interleaved or mmap non interleaved access'
(I also trying same command on external usb sound card without any problem)
it seem AMLM8AUDIO dmix feature has been stripped from S9xx build.
I believe AMLM8AUDIO sound card support dmix as I see on S805 build
Is there any specific reason, why AMLM8AUDIO dmix feature removed from S9xx LibreELEC build ?
Is it ok if I activate dmix feature by editing AML-M8AUDIO.conf ?
Thank you
I think Karaoke will be a nice feature on a media box (I'm using amlogic box),
btw, Lakka which based on LibreELEC recently adding 'libretro_pocketcdg', a small karaoke player, which works very well, but lack of microphone support, since it based on LibreELEC, it's alsa-utils package is stripped too.
Also as we know, Kodi will support libretro in future, which mean libretro_pocketcdg could be launched directly from Kodi
I'm using USB sound card (GeneralPlus), audio output is working fine, I can hear sound in USB audio card.
However I can't make the microphone input to works, the microphone device is detected by 'alsamixer' and 'lsusb' command, but no sound.
Also LibreELEC seem removing some alsa-utils command, like 'arecord' and 'alsaloop', is there a way to make microphone works ?
kszaq, the last test build works perfectly,
thank you for your hardwork
kszaq, the test build is not working, same dmesg error as chuneault
in android wifi is working fine,
as comparison I upload both android and libreelec dmesg
Btw, I can't find fw_bcm4334b1_ag.bin, fw_bcm4334b1_apsta.bin, fw_bcm4334b1_p2p.bin files in libreelec /usr/lib/firmware/brcm/ folder, could this be the problem ?
I have exactly same problem (same wifi chipset) , but in my case only wifi not working, BT is working fine
here is link to my firmware.tgz:
NB: chuneault possible fix for bluetooth: make sure you enabling BT on SERVICE menu (in my box default BT setting is disabled by libreelec)