Posts by RetiredCurmudgeon

    Hmmm. I found the SSH switch but it was already on. What leads me to suspect otherwise is that when I boot up as soon as Kodi starts I get a fleeting message saying "VDR VNSI server is unreachable." (Message disappears after about 2 seconds.) Unfortunately I didn't keep detailed notes of what I did during installation, but do recall that I installed a PVR client before the back end (i.e. server?). I didn't find an option to install it from the GUI and have been looking for a command line interface ever since, without success, to use the following commands I found in the Kodi wiki:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAMEHERE
    (but replace PACKAGENAMEHERE with the PVR addon required.)

    I had been under the impression that SSH was that interface and that I'd failed to turn it on at the beginning, since I recall reading a wiki entry saying that if I didn't turn it on when I first installed LibreELEC I would never get the opportunity again. So it appears I misdefined my problem, which I'll now restate it as follows:

    Why do I get the message, "VDR VNSI server is unreachable," and what can I do to fix the problem?


    PS: Sorry about the delay in responding, but my access to the system in question is intermittant.

    Newbie here, at least with regard to LibreELEC and Kodi. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with a 32GB memory card which I'm setting up with Kodi to support streaming on my flat screen TV. It appears I made a big mistake at the outset when I declined to enable SSH and now the choice is no longer presented upon start up. LibreELEC and Kodi installed OK and I downloaded some addons. But it appears that in order to install the VDR server I need SSH. If this is correct is there any way I can now enable SSH?