Posts by temm

    USB flash drive was created on a Mac and safely removed. This USB flash drive works perfectly fine when booting in LIVE mode. The problem is when i try to install it on another device ( a separate USB drive) i get the error when booting on that media.

    LIVE mode is good to try it out, but any settings made will be lost upon next reboot.


    I just downloaded the latest LibreELEC 8.1.1 version to install on my NUC6i3

    I have created the installation media on o usb flash drive using LibreELEC USD-SD creator. Using this usb flash i can run LibreELEC live from the installation media but if i want to install it on a second USB flash drive or SD card I'm getting the following error message when booting

    Error in prepare_sysroot: final_check: Could not find systemd!

    Starting debugging shell... type exit to quit

    sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

    The installation process completes without any errors and this error is after rebooting using target USB or SD card installation.

    I have tried a number of usb flash drives and a second SD card but i'm getting the same error.
