Posts by Providian623

    Hi Zom. First off LOVE your work and thank you for your time on the project. My issue is with Express VPN. I am using it on several devices. The ExVPN servers have been updated so my laptops/PC's are showing 2 new and have taken off 3 old. My Kodi devices have not updated the ExVPN server list. I have tried every trick I know of, updating keys, uninstall reinstall, etc. I chatted with ExVPN support and they hadn't a clue as to why other than they've not tested Libreelec with their VPN. So I am asking the Master, you, any ideas because other than that ExVPN is working great via manager. :shy:

    First off, thank you for a remarkable program. I am having a problem which may have been previously addressed. When I go to add a second VPN connection, in the "settings" menu, the program scrolls up on its own. The second VPN connection is not accessible as it is now sitting directly under the VPN Connections tab. and is partially hidden. When I attempt to click it, the tab opens instead. I am having this problem on all three of my RPI's, so it is not an isolated event and have tried reloading the program. I have just ignored adding a second, third, etc., VPN location until I just now saw this forum and thought I'd ask about it. Any guidance?

    Again thank you for a remarkable program. 8)