First, sorry for my late answer but I didn't have access to my NUC until this morning...
Access to the ".kodi/temp" directory, show me several things:
- several crash_log files (one nearly each 3 to 4 seconds)
- all the files are empty.
- "kodi_crash.log" is pointing to a non available directory ("/storage" does not exist)
First time I had access to "/dev/sda2", I've seen one crash_log file which was not empty.
When I had a look on the stack trace, it shows me a issue from "libm".
Unfortunately, I didn't copy it somewhere and, as mentioned previously, now all files are empty..
- I think you're right, it's a kodi crash and only kodi is restarting indefinitely...
- can you explain how to enter to the "live" mode of the installer?