why did you cancel the option to install on internal memory?
Posts by antaril
I posted a warning with the release, not my fault if you neglected to read it or ignore it.
no problem. i know its beta i have a backup...
no, everything offline
Did you have LE installed on internal or external?
it is turned off by default in this release
read the remote control thread for information on how to fine tune your IR receiver
installed on internal. Now i reinstall it... very bad thing
with 8.90.6 my boxes wont start... anybody confirm this?
There was a post about the devel build not working on internal nand due to the new kernel. Has that been implemented in 8.90.5? If so I may have to find my old micro SD.
no it works on internal nand. But with Amazon addon issue
I have a problem with amazon addon since 8.90.4. Sometimes screen is black, oder its extremly stuttering. In version 8.90.3 everythings works perfekt! What was changed? SOmebody any Idea?
i need a download for 8.90.3. Can somebody help me?
is it possible to build that addon for our s905x boxes?
hi, i want to record with the iptvsimple client. On Kodi.tv there are two versions for that. Can somebody compile it for s905x boxes?
that would be awesome
Hi there,
iam using libreelec 9 on this box above. Everything wokrs fine. Wifi, lan and the complete box But Bluetooth doesnt work. I bought an USB Bluetooth donge! That thing is working, but how can i use the internal one?
Thanks for all your good work here!!
Greets Antaril
I have a Antsir D6 Box. Bluetooth isnt working, what can i do? I have change the device tree, but i have no luck...
I have tree questions and maybe someone can answer
1. As far as I know, after upgrading my kszaq LE 8.1.10 (on S905X) to this Leia build, I cannot downgrade anymore to LE 8 (and keep my settings)?
2. Is there a way to fully backup my LE 8.1.10 which I can use after clean reinstall of LE 8 (if Leia is too buggy for me)
3. Is this still necessary for netflix/amazon: 'Run the following:
curl -Ls http://nmacleod.com/public/libreelec/getwidevine.sh | bash'?
I have amazon and netflix on my box with this leia build. Everything is fine!!
no, its the build from this thread. Libreelec and iptvsimple
running iptvsimple. But it loads no epg from url... any Idea? It starts, but nothing happend
where can i download new builds? All dropbox link are dead!! I also need the pvr.iptvsimple-999. file. Then i will be very happy
libreelec is on tv box (antsir d6 tv box wit s905x chipset) runs great, but how can i make bluetooth and remote to work?
can anybody help me?