Hello kszaq , I'm TVH + Kodi + TBS 6522 user and now I bought a KI Pro. My principal use is with DVB-C Annex B provider, I know is a "rare" standard but supported by your LibreELEC but with few issues.
When crazycat developed the TBS6522 support for annex B I found the some issues.
The first problem is the frontend, TVH detect my provider as ATSC-C, not DVB-C in consecuence I can't import my configuration from TVH (PC) to the KI Pro.
Second, TVH can't detect channel names.
Both problems were present in crazycat's drivers before he solve the frontend of it.
Here a log of the problem:
subscription: 0003: "scan" subscribing to mux "489MHz", w-eight: 5, adapter: "Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0", network: "Provider ATSC-C", service: "Raw PID Subscription"
linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0 - poll TIMEOUT
linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0 - failed to config dmx for pid 61 [e=Operation not permitted]
linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0 - failed to config dmx for pid 63 [e=Operation not permitted]
linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0 - failed to config dmx for pid 64 [e=Operation not permitted]
linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0 - failed to config dmx for pid 67 [e=Operation not permitted]
linuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0 - failed to config dmx for pid 4385 [e=Operation not permitted]
inuxdvb: Availink avl6862 #0 : ATSC-C #0 - poll TIMEOUT
mpegts: 489MHz in Provider ATSC-C - scan complete (partial - 32/1 tables)
subscription: 0003: "scan" unsubscribing
Is possible solve it?