Posts by Frank


    my latest LibreELEC is sharing its whole innards to the network, I can go in on Windows 10 Explorer/Network/LibreELEC and happily (or not so) delete each and every file on it: Configfiles, Userdata - everything.

    What could cause this? I just ran the fresh install and then followed the yatse guide for remote access (How to configure Kodi for Remote Control access). And I even disabled "Announce services to other systems".

    Clearly this is wrong and it must be my fault. Only: What happened?

    3) The internal wifi of the RPi is not the best in the world - especially if enclosed in a case or behind a TV. Get a good USB wifi adapter, with a large antenna

    That's the one. I was wondering about this point because my slow devices perform flawlessly at around 30-40MBit/s - farther away from the router than the RPi (which displays 45-54MBit/s). So I found an old USB wifi adapter, added a USB extension cord to optimize the position and am now I am getting a stable 81MBit/s. The actual performance now appears to be close to that of a local drive.

    Thanks a lot for your input!

    My plan was to centralize my media and remove the local HDD from my Raspberry Pi running LibreELEC. I got a Synology Diskstation 120 and setup UPnP/DLNA as well as nfs. Access works beautifully from a number of clients. LibreELEC is not one of them.

    I mount the NFS share from within LibreELEC/Kodi. Scanning the media takes 12+ hours whereas before (from the local harddrive) it took maybe 20-30 minutes. My WiFi-connection is not that bad. But hey - you only can your library once.

    But playback is even worse. I can only hear about 2-3 seconds at a time and then the music is interruptet for 2-3 seconds.

    I read online that NFS does not work too well from within Kodi so I tried with a kernel mount which I put in /storage/.config/

    Scanning is still slow but palyback is much better. But It still does get interrupted.

    And LibreELEC can't seem to find the UPnP/DLNA server either.

    I thought this would be straightforward. I have an ancient 7 inch android tablet that acts wonderfully as a renderer using the HiFi-Cast app. I can't see why Kodi shouldn't be u to this. If you think I am asking too much from this software, please let me know which other software (or all-in-one-minimal-OS-solution) would be more appropriate.

    Could you help me troubleshoot this?

    This is a Raspberry Pi 3B with the latest LibreELEC 9.2 and I am talking about regular-sized MP3-files. Not movies, not Flac - just mp3.


    I just installed the ROm Collection Browser and followed the setup procedure, pointing paths to the emulator(s) etc.

    Now when I start the Addon, I get this:


    It is kind of dark, as if it was greyed out/unavailable. Floating the mouse across does not so anything and it almost seems as though this overlay is too big for the screen/resolution (which is 1366x768).

    I was trying to go the easiest route just to play some SNES games. Can you tell me what I did wrong or might have done wrong to cause this?

    Also: Why can't we just add games to the library the way we do with music and videos? I'm just curious. Why do we need to install an addon browser if this emulation functionality is basically part of LibreELEC now?

    If this is not going to work I will probably install the Gamestarter package. But I am trying to avoid the extra mileage.


    Thanks DaVu. I have no problem at all accessing thos folders from outside. But why can't I access them through LibreELECs own internal File Manager? There I can not even get to /storage (I tried). As I said, maybe I am just missing something that is too obvious to my eye. I have used LibreELEC for years and copied files like crazy at times - but always to and from from externally attached drives.


    and sorry if this sounds exceedingly stupid. I have been using LibreELEC for a couple of years now on a Pi with (of course) external drives.

    Now I installed it on an old PC with an internal drive using the USB-creator thingy. It all worked well. So far.

    Now I want to copy my media files to the internal drive which, as I understand it, has been partitioned by LibreELEC into two drives by default.

    So I went into the file manager and tried to find a place to copy my files. The only destination folder that seemed appropriate to me was the /library one, although I am (was) not really convinced. Is it part of my profile?

    Either way, afte that I wanted to add those files to the library by scanning them. But I can not access this /library folder through the file browsers. There I can only find (empty) folders for Music, VIdeos, Pictures ... - those seem to be the right ones. But how can I access them through Settings -> File Manager in order to copy my files there? I must have missed something. Can you please give me a hint?


    in an attempt to make choosing music to play as simple as possible I am planning to forego the Yatse app and instead connect this touchscreen to my Raspberry Pi 3 with LibreElec installed: Waveshare Raspberry Pi IPS 1280×800 10.1inch HDMI: Computer & Zubehör

    However I have found a few threads indicating that touch control is not working in LibreElec or OpenElec - or that it only works with a few models.

    Would you please be so kind as to let me know whether this (or any) touchscreen is going to work with Raspberry Pi 3 and LibreElec?

    Thank you. I'd prefer this big 10 inch screen with the high resolution but the 7 inch (C) version would be fine as well, I guess.



    since openelec will not boot if no monitor is connected, I wonder if libreelec will? If not, is there a way to fix it? I've tried several things via SSH but none did work.

    Also, which build should I download to work with an ASUS nvidia ion board (2010)? I've had to use the legacy build of openelec to get it installed.
