Posts by tonyhouse

    I resume this old post because I was in the same situation:

    NTFS usb disk used with nextcloud docker (I know this is NOT the ideal solution but I was forced to use this filesystem)

    udevil mounts automatically with fmask=0133 and You can't change this behaviour because /etc/udevil/udevil.conf is in the read only part of the fs

    check_data_directory_permissions => false on nextcloud config is not the solution because user nobody doesn't have rights to write into the disk

    my solution was to make a udev rule to exclude standard udevil mount for only my particular disk and mount it using my parameters

    steps to reproduce it:

    1) copy real udev to the storage part

    cp /lib/udev/rules.d/95-udevil-mount.rules /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/

    2) modify this rule (in my case I wanted to do something different for every disk with label starting with string "Max")

    3) make a copy of service udevil-mount

    cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected] /storage/.config/system.d/udevil-mount2@.

    4) modify service as follow

    Description=Udevil mount service
    ExecStart=-/storage/bin/mount_special_disk %I
    ExecStop=-/usr/bin/udevil --umount %I

    5) create /storage/bin/mount_special_disk

    disklabel=`/usr/sbin/blkid -o value -s LABEL $1`
    mkdir -p /media/$disklabel
    /usr/bin/mount -t ntfs -o nosuid,noexec,nodev,noatime,big_writes,fmask=0022,uid=65534,gid=100,utf8,permission $1 /media/$disklabel

    6) make script executable

    chmod a+x /storage/bin/mount_special_disk

    and that's all; every time a disk with label starting with "Max" is attached (I have 2 disks Max1 and Max2 all of them NTFS) it will be automounted in the same place of before, but with modified options so Nexcloud (or any other docker instance) can write to

    those scripts are far from ideal but they works, at least for my puposes...

    BTW: It's better to build a simple GPIO IR receiver (eg using a TSOP34138) which you can then use with the "gpio-ir" overlay.

    LibreELEC 9.0 will ship without the lirc_xbox driver (it's already removed from current Milhouse builds).

    Kernel is moving away from the old lirc drivers to the newer rc-core drivers (with in-kernel decoding support, you don't need userspace lirc for remotes). The lirc_xbox never made it into the upstream kernel, it was only added to OpenELEC (and kept in LibreELEC), and due to the ongoing changes in the kernel we can no longer support it. OpenELEC already removed it, and now we have to do the same as well.

    so long,


    I just switched from openelec to libreelec because my xbox dvd remote was no longer working.

    So in the next release of libreelec this lirc_xbox_driver will be completely removed?

    what about this remote? will it be unusable at all with the new kernel?

    I tried to launch the ir-keytable when I was on openelec but it didn't found any input device...