Posts by LibreMan3

    I tried to make Kodi crash now, but guess what - it didn't. I will upload a log when it happens the next time. For the currently existing logs, I don't know which one to take, because it seems Kodi always has a SIGSEGV when Kodi is terminated. There are also SQL errors in the logs with a contraint violation (but seems not to cause the crash). Is there a database update missing?

    I am not sure what you mean by "dvb adapter". My DVB receiver cards are installed on the VDR server. The crash happens on the LibreElec machine, it performs a restart of Kodi (I guess this is triggered by a watchdog). Do you want me to execute the dmesg on the LibreElec machine?

    I did not try Tvheadend, from what I read time shift is much better in VNSI.

    If have a Linux server which runs VDR. My client x64 PC runs LibreElec 8.02 with the VNSI plugin. When switching TV channels (DVB S2), LibreElec crashes by random.

    I had this problem already in older versions of OpenElec, too. But version 6.03 of OpenElec fixed this and ran super-stable. I never had such problems in this version.

    But now, after updating to 8.02, the problem re-appeared. I tried downgrading to 6.03, but this does not work cleanly. I read somewhere that setting priority = 0 in the VNSI options should help, but it does not. You have a regression bug here, since it was gone in v6.03.

    Is there any solution available? The problem is really annoying.