Posts by JonSnow

    will try the second devel release.


    Bluetooth still not working, however RAM is better. With 006 after a few minutes i was able to use up about 49%, with the second devel I'm currently at 34% which is much better. I'm trying to keep my test conistant as possible. So w/e changes you made you are for sure on the right track.

    Can't help you since I don't have a s905x box.

    Sadly RAM still fills up quickly after using addons and browsing the library. Video playback is actually much better on this build, skipping chapters works now.

    Will keep my cron job active to reboot the box

    Bluetooth still not working on build 006

    few things i noticed on minimxiii

    internal bluetooth still not working
    in system info cpu temp is no longer displayed.
    cant boot into recovery even with recovery.img and dtb.img on sd card using 'reboot recovery' over ssh

    Any ram management improvements with the new kernel?


    Turns out recovery does work on the Mini MXIII using toothpick. I cracked it open to see if it had a functional button and it does, its just the hole was tiny and a wooden toothpick was to big to reach the button. I took a small phlips screw driver and made the hole larger and can now reboot into recovery with the two files on SD.

    Thanks Kszaq

    hes not finished, the build is ready but updating instructions are different because of device trees. So just wait he will update eveything on the s905 image thread.

    Hi there,

    it seems my box is resetting date/time to 01.01.1970 01:00 am on every cold boot and after some time (betweet 30 secs and a minute) it gets the correct date/time when it has an established network connection. This also happens on Android. Problem with this is that Kodi tries to connect to my Mysql-Server with that incorrect time/date and cannot get through, and so i have no database on Kodi startup. I'll have to wait until the correct time/date are displayed in Kodi and then do a warm reboot to get my Mysql-connection working.

    Is there anything i could add to to set/read the correct time/date before Kodi reads my advancedsettings.xml ? Or a pause setting? I want to make sure my wife can use Kodi without rebooting several times

    (Wait for network setting doesn't do the trick as the network is available right from the start, it must be the time/date setting and i can reproduce that problem)

    i had this issue, just enable 'Wait for network before starting Kodi". This can be found under Network in the libreelec settings, this is different from Kodi network settings. I set my max wait time to 120 seconds which is the amount of seconds my network needs to come online after a power outage. This has no effect on boot time if my network is already online, Kodi still boots within 30 seconds.

    Thank you for finding this! I will add the patch for the next build, backporting should be trivial.

    A new build is almost ready, I only need to prepare device trees for your devices as the new kernel needs some changes and we can't use device tree from internal memory.

    I can also see that Amlogic uploaded new sources to their Openlinux site, I will see if we can use the latest drivers. [emoji56]

    If you ever need a tester :angel:

    Here what i did after adding the remote.conf of a different remote.

    Install keymap editor addon, launch the addon and start assiging kodi commands to each button. It does not matter what you add as long as you know the kodi command, i just used the navigation buttons and pressed keys from in order. I know i could have just used the addon to configure but i wanted to used my old keyboard.xml file.

    It will create a new xml file in the keymap folder which you can then open to get the button ID and assign it to whatever kodi command you want.