Posts by JonSnow

    Now I found that missing start of the playback was solved in SPMC 16.4.2. I had previous SPMC Jarvis builds on my Android tablet and the bug was there. Now on 16.4.2. it is finally solved. Maybe devs could use Koying patch for LE builds too. Very excited about that.

    If you have a link to the patch, then maybe Kszaq can include it in the next release.

    Ok, so I've got this problem...I did hard reset to factory default and now when I try to boot I'm stuck at Kodi loading screen. I can't get thourgh SSH as it seems disabled by default. I tried to use USB Burning Tool to bring Android to NAND and start installing LE once again. But with no luck. Tool don't see device :/ Any suggestions? Like - is there a way to interrupt booting to get to the console?

    You don't need to power the box as the computer usb will do that.

    Load up the buring tool > load image > click start > plug in usb into box > plug in the cable to the computer > image should start to flash.

    Lots of changes from Amlogic but I don't see that many improvements and there are still some old issues to fix. :P

    That's why I don't rush it and want to fix things first.

    Build 005 has been excellent for me and can be used as a daily driver for the parents, I'm just hopeful the new kernel fixes or improves the ram issue so i can remove the cron job but otherwise i have very little issues.

    Thanks for your elaborated response. I will stick to the Beelink then. I also found it very well built, it is cheap, and seems to be better supported than generic boxes.

    Allow me the off topic for a quick and simple question, is the included remote an air mouse?
    I have failed to make it work as such, but did not bother much as I already have an extra cheapo air mouse keyboard that works.
    If it is an air mouse (it has a gyroscope sort of embossed), how do you make it work?

    Thanks again.

    I actually have that disabled on purpose and never used it, when you click the mouse button on the remote you need to use the arrow keys to move the cursor, it has no gyroscope.

    I have an s905 device (Beelink mini mxiii) and am planing to buy an extra box.
    Alternatives would be to go for the sure thing, and get another s905, or buy an s905x for its improved features.

    I have found no guide on the different alternatives and supported devices.

    Based on the potential port for s905x devices, should I get one of these or stick to a more "tested" s905?

    Although I have some some experience with Open/LibreELEC, I am fairly new to these cheap Amlogic devices.

    Thank you!

    The S905X will only get you VP9 so unless you use that i would hold off until a known good s905x comes out and it delivers what they promise. The Beelink MXIII is an excellent box and I'm not sure currently there is one that matches the MXIII build quaility, the M8SII/TX5 on paper looks promising.

    Reason i got the Beelink MINI MXIII was the gigbit lan and the excellent remote ₩, didn't care for WiFi. Personally I wont be buying anything until i need VP9 and if thats the case I'd go s912 should it get LE.

    Hi kszaq,
    i have mini M8S that build a s905 with 2gbram, what i have to do after downloaded mounted the image .gz with rufus??
    i put the sd in the tvbox connect the AC but nothing succeed...????help me please

    Use the toothpick method for first boot or just select a zip in the update app. Read post a few pages back that has all the details

    I'm attaching my dtb for both Beelink Mini MXIII and MXQ PRO 4K these dtb files are taken directly from the flash partition from your LE builds and OTA.

    OTA Beelink Mini = extracted from 107L1_0425 OTA from beelink forums.
    LE Beelink Mini MXIII.gz = extracted from flash partition from LE build 005.
    MXQ PRO 4K.gz = extracted from flash partition from LE build 002.

    Firmware can be found here Message - Beelink - Powered by Discuz!

    Really hoping that command worked, but it didn't do anything to my ram usage.

    I understand it takes about 8 minutes for the box to recover itself. To me that's a long time. I prefer killing kodi and restarting it. I used to do this under android with a zoomtak box. I don't know if it's possible to do it under libreELEC. It was very convenient, to say the least, but I don't know how the guys at Zoomtak did it. I know it worked.

    That would be the best solution indeed, but not much progress has been made toward finding it. OpenELEC for arm devices has the same problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
    My 2gb/16gb boxes very rarely freeze, it's the 1gb ones that freeze all the time.

    With android your killing the app that runs on top of the OS, with LE you can't do that because essentially kodi is the OS. The OS is what controls the remote.

    The only way to get around this is using ssh and use the below command, you can do this on your phone or tablet etc. This is of course if ssh is still working.

    systemctl restart kodi
