Posts by Saviq

    Hi all,

    First of all, thanks everyone for making this happen. I recently got a FBox 4X, and Kodi on the stock Android system doesn't work well at all - still need to contact the manufacturer about it. But, kszaq and LibreELEC to the rescue, it Just Works™ and does almost everything right.

    There's just three smallish issues I have with it:

    • the included "Ferguson SR100" remote doesn't work, there's no LIRC config that I can find on the Android filesystem, and irrecord can't seem to recognize the keys, using the internal IR receiver the gap finding process just stops at some point, and the gap can't be found on a homebrew serial receiver - any idea how to get it working? maybe a different, higher level input module?
    • there's no Suspend available, so either leaving the box on all the time, or a ~minute wait until the device fully boots
    • CEC does not wake the device up (or well, turn it on, since it doesn't suspend), regardless of the setting in Kodi

    If anyone has ideas, I'd love to try things out.
