Posts by MatteN
If my HTPC is CEC competable?
I do not know, where can i find that?
It is a small motherboard ASROCK J4205-itx
And i do not have a CEC splitter after my htpc
No, your motherboard doesnt have CEC.
Is exFAT more reliable or is ext4 the only way to get a stable mediasystem again ?
exFAT is not more reliable, i moved almost all of HDD to exFAT and its not better at all.
Probably going back to NTFS, it will take a week or two, its several hundred TB.
LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-12.0-nightly-20240118-0af59b4 came an hour ago.
Just hook local HDD and problem is no more
but there are others...
external HDDs - random unmount of drives on rpi4
ext HDs not mounted after 11.01 update -
I have stopped using 3 of my 4 Argon cases because of HDMI-problems.
I used rpi-eeprom-update -a on my Pi 5 recently, that went fine.
Do you have any files that need that resolution?
Drop the img.gz into the Update-folder and reboot.
This is on generic nightly?
No, on Win 10 & 11, Mint & Ubuntu, Shield Pro and a few phones.
I have 5 devices with FreeTube, 1 with SmartTube and 3 or 4 with ReVanced so i have as much adfree Youtube i need.
I use the Pi 5 in my home cinema, so I want it to look good (or be inconspicuous) and be very quiet.
I do to, mine is tucked away inside a cabinett, dont see it at all.
My Pi 5 is in a homemade chassi with a 12V fan on 3,3V, cant hear it at a distance of 10", never goes over +40C.
I have devices that play DV but the picturequality are not that superior to HDR on Pi 4 & 5.
Had similar experience here when device has been on standby for a while and trying to play a movie or tv episode, usually fix itself when playing a couple of seconds off of a mp3 and then trying the moviefile again.