Posts by Lybster

    I'm running LibreElec on a Raspberry Pi 3 with a 3TB USB drive attached.

    I back up onto a 1TB & 2Tb USB drives attached to a W10 PC over my LAN. I have software that will distribute the files between the two backup disks.

    Ripping dvds is done on a W7 PC with the mp4s copied over the LAN to the 3TB drive.

    This was all working well until yesterday when I started to get "access is denied" messages when trying to backup.

    I'm good with Windows but a dunce at Linux. Does anyone have a suggestion of things to try?

    Thanks for the answer chewitt. I've decided to abuse the <tagline> tag for the purpose. Since Kodi keeps track of when films have been played in its database I can use the information there to set the tagline info in its database.

    I've written and checked the trivial bit of SQL needed to do this. I can run it from a PC linked to the Pi but it would be nice for Kodi on the Pi to run it itself. Anyone point me in a direction to add this into Kodi? A menu option would be great.

    I'm using Videos | Files | DVDs (which is my source) for navigating my collection. My wife and I like it this way - we've been collecting for 30+ years. The collection is arranged into A - Z folders with individual films or series inside then. eg New Tricks is under N and has series 1 - 9 folders inside it. I've generated my own nfo and jpg files.

    The one aspect I'd like to improve is to have the date last watched rather than the file size in the list of films. Is that possible and if so how?

    films typically need adjusting also if you use the video calibration settings. Again, not ideal.

    Set you tv to "just scan", "16:9", "hd mode", or similar and disable overscan in config.txt and that is perfect.

    I have no need to adjust the flms (at least on the ones I've tested so far). Turning overscan on or off makes no difference

    I've tried tweaking every setting I can find on the TV but the only thing that works is altering the calibration

    Thnaks for that

    I've had a bit more of a play and it seems that it only affects the display of Kodi itself, films display correctly accoring to their aspect ratio.

    It does mean that the Kodi items are displayed in a different window but that's what I needed anyway. If anyone has a Panasonic TX40CX680 and knows what to change I'm happy to give it a go

    I set up samba with a userid & password and I'm trying to access Kodi over a W7 LAN. I've tried both with Windows Explorer and XYPlorer which is the one I mainly use. I can sometimes but quite often I'm getting "Location not available".

    Once I get connected its fine until I reboot my PC then I may or may not get a connection.

    I've searched the forum but there doesn't seem anything relevant. Is it a know issue, am I doing something stupid?

    The fact that I can connect occasionally says I'm doing something right (I hope)

    Sorry about that, just my opinion. I'm beginning to get it set up as I want it. I'm an old fart and I like things organised in alpha folders. Since my file naming is non-standard (started waaay back with a database for VCR's) I had to write my own nfo files and cover art. It also looks as though I'm going to have to connect to the internet if I want the time right and be able to copy new films onto the usb drive without unplugging it.

    I'd avoid this. It should be used as a last resort.

    This is also a good suggestion

    Question: why is it a last resort.

    My old tv had a PC mode. This one doesn't, but I wouldn't have wanted to use it anyway unless I was using the Kodi as the only source for the tv because trying to persuade my wife to go through switching into and out of PC mode is not a prospect I contemplate with joy.

    UMS is Universal Media Server - its a DLNA media server but I'm trying to create a stand alone system unconnected to a network.

    I've found the search function and I'm testing it out now. Not massively impressed so far but it may be usable

    Is it possible to have a folder / directory view for movies/tv shows. Currently with UMS I have an A..Z set of master folders TV series then get their own folders in then (eg New Tricks) with series in their own folder under that or single films are just under N

    Nice and easy to find things.

    My wife and I do not select films based on actor, director or year of production but by title or genre and after 36 years of marriage have far to many for the selection methods I have found in Kodi to be sensible for us.

    I would like to be able to show cover art and plot which I can't with UMS.

    Running on a Pi3

    I've just received my RPi 3, loaded LibreELEC onto it and connected to my TV and started playing.

    If I set the display to DESKTOP movies display properly both 19:9 and 4:3 but the edges of the Kodi display are cut off. This is in the list of movies as well as the settings. EG the first (or possible the first 1.5) character if the movie plot is not displayed. In the options the cogwheel in the bottom left is only partially shown.

    I can get the display right by setting it to 1024x768 but then movies don't display properly.

    Can someone point me to the right setting?