Posts by spyba


    I am using the Aeon Nox skin.

    Aeon Nox has a section named concerts for music videos, concerts etc.

    During the playing of a music video, if I press the stop button, LibreELEC goes to the listing of the concerts BUT in the beginning (so I have to go down again and again to find the exact music video that I was viewing previously). In movies and tv shows there is not such a problem.

    I am using LibreELEC 8.0.2 but the same happened with 8.0.1. Previously I was using OpenELEC that was working OK.

    CPU AMD E350D with Radeon HD Graphics

    4 GB RAM

    BTW: It will be very helpful that LibreELEC remembers (store) each time the last position inside the separate listings (movies, tv shows and concerts) between sessions in order that when we restart the application and we enter in a listing, the pointer will be the same as of the last use.

    Thank you.
