Posts by utdrmac

    TV/Amp/Pi all connected via HDMI with CEC. When I turn on TV, the Amp also turns on; turn TV off, amp goes off. Pi stays on all the time, which is fine. I can use TV remote for 99% of viewing activity.

    Now, if I leave LE alone, after 10 minutes the display "sleeps" which keeps the TV/Amp on, but just a black screen. This still uses quite a lot of watts to run TV/Amp doing nothing. How can I simply turn those two off instead of sleeping the display?

    If there's no direct LE setting for this, I envision some cron job that checks every 10m if something is currently playing. If nothing playing since last check, send a CEC command to turn off TV/amp.

    Is this possible? If so, how would I send such a CEC command from CLI?

    I'm confused about the update messaging on the main downloads area and am seeking clarification. I have a RPi3B1.2. I don't have any 4K content; everything is either 720p or 1080p. No content is h265. I wanted to get the new TheTVDB v4 plugin but it was not available for Libreelec v9.

    The update notes seem to indicate I should not upgrade to v10/v11 because I'll lose hardware h264 decoding? Is that correct? If I upgrade to v10 or v11, my Pi will perform worse?

    Thanks for clarifying.

    Every time I want to watch a movie or TV show, I have to bring up the OSD, and tick the slider to Enable Subtitles. Annoying. Is there not a global "Subtitles Always Enabled" option? Something that affects all current videos and will also apply to all future videos.

    Or, a possible workaround, is there some way to set this property for each video via API? At least this way, I could cron job it nightly and it would fix any newly added videos.

    I just wanted to share this issue and the steps I took to resolve it. This is a RaspberryPI 2. Initially, I installed Noobs on the SD card and then installed LibreElec 9.

    Pi booted up. Ethernet worked fine, but for the location where this pi would be, wifi had to work. I'm using the Edimax Technology Co., Ltd EW-7811Un 802.11n Wireless Adapter Realtek RTL8188CUS.

    Try and try again, LibreElec would not connect to wifi. I searched every dang forum and github gist trying to find a solution. 100% positive wifi password correct. Copy/pasted from laptop source. No dice.

    Back to noobs. Install Raspian. Wifi works. Hmm. Why does it work on Raspian but not LibreElec? I see wpa_supplicant running on Raspian (and recalled connman being libreElec) so I copy this wpa config.

    Back to noobs. Install LibreElec again. Again, no wifi success. Using ssh, connmanctl, it sees my wifi just fine. Created config at /storage/.cache/connman/mywifi.config. (I did this earlier as well) Still no success.

    ps -Af | grep wpa I notice there's no config provided for wpa_supplicant. So I create one, /storage/.cache/wpa_supplicant.conf, with same contents as the config running under Raspian, and then edited the systemctl script for wpa_supplicant to, again, match what Raspian was running:

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -u -iwlan0 -Dnl80211,wext -c/storage/.cache/wpa_supplicant.conf

    Restarted wpa_supplicant and tried connmanctl connect wifi_801f02d3902b_566f6c74726f6e3234_managed_ps again. Same errors as before. Bad password. Bull crap.

    Reboot pi. LibreElec boots. Wifi is up and connected. wpa_supplicant is running with my copied Raspian config.

    No idea why LibreElec cannot connect to my wifi from the get-go, no idea why would not accept password from beginning, but I got it working. This was one giant PITA. I hope future versions of LibreElec have better wifi support.

    Not sure if this is applicable here. SNES / NES emulation is working great! But when I try using the "Arcade (MAME)" core, I get this error. Where can I download the MAME core for ARMv7?

    RetroArch [INFO] :: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin/libretro-cores/"
    RetroArch [ERROR] :: Failed to open libretro core: "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin/libretro-cores/"
    RetroArch [ERROR] :: Error(s): /storage/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin/libretro-cores/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64


    Brand new user of LibreELEC here. I had been running OpenELEC 6 for a very long time without any issues. I upgraded to OpenELEC 8.0.4 a few days ago on my RPi1. No issues at all with any video playback. Decided to upgrade to RPi3, so I can run other things on it. Decided to install LibreELEC 8 by doing the "upgrade" by dropping the .tar into the .upgrades folder. This seemed to work just fine.

    However, now, when playback reaches the end of a video file, it just hangs with a '0' inside a circle in the middle of my screen. This never happened before under OE6. With OE6, once a video reached the end, it automatically stopped and took me back to the GUI.

    I have a mix of MP4, MKV, AVI, etc and the behavior is the same for all. Any ideas on why this is happening? What information should I provide to assist in debugging? Thanks!