Posts by db25

    Hello again,

    I am following the steps that you have given me but I get it to work, I configured so the file system:

    After editing the file restart the service:

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart transmission

    Below I open the browser and enter my IP: 9091 and gives me the following error:

    If I leave the defaults if I work. I have also tried to change the file setting.json changing the directory, but does not work:

    "download-dir": "/media/USB EXT/downloads",
    "incomplete-dir": "/media/USB EXT/downloads/incomplete",

    It is posibe the space between USB and EXT influence ?? if I stood at the download path I want to set up and make a PWD shows me this route:

    /media/USB EXT/downloads

    Any suggestions ??



    I meant the location of the file service . It is in the location that I have set before?

    as i would have to set this line to put an external disk located in /media/usb?

    --volume = / storage / somewhereelse / downloads : /downloads \

    Thank you!! I apologize for asking something that was already resolved the issue.

    imagine the file where I have to make changes is located at:




    I'm trying to change some parameters of configuration file transmission (download directory, enable authentication, password, etc.)

    The problem is that when I save and restart the service or raspberry just keeps me some changes, others like me download directory leaves it to the default value.

    How I can do to make the changes permanent?


    Hi I've got to activate the authentication key. Now I would like to disable the login but when trying to modify the configuration file ssh to change the parameter:

    #PasswordAuthentication yes
    PasswordAuthentication no

    give me permission error:

    [Error writing / etc / ssh / sshd_config: Read-only file system]

    Any solution??