Posts by sakos

    I have a normal PC running Libreelec 8.2.3. It is controlled by an MCE remote with its USB IR receiver. The remote power button should suspend and wake up the htpc.

    The problem is that when the PC wakes up it immediatelly goes to suspend again. Sometimes it does not happen if I can push the power button very short.

    It seems the HTPC processes the power button signal after waking up and it triggers the suspend again and again.

    Is there any solution to prevent this behavior? e.g. somehow discard remote commands for some seconds after wake up .

    I have a strange problem with my x96 box remote setup. The proposed remote.conf file is downloaded and installed. Everything work fine except the button "0". Kodi does not really recognizes the scancode. See the debug log when I press the buttons 1,2,3...9,0

    I think the remote.conf is good. Key "0" is mapped to scancode 11d

              0x4e 2   #1 -> 1
              0x0d 3   #2 -> 2
              0x0c 4   #3 -> 3
              0x4a 5   #4 -> 4
              0x09 6   #5 -> 5
              0x08 7   #6 -> 6
              0x46 8   #7 -> 7
              0x05 9   #8 -> 8
              0x04 10  #9 -> 9
              0x01 11  #0 -> 0


    The root cause and solution is found. Sharing here if helps someone in the future.

    I have Hungarian keyboard layout set in Kodi. It remaps "0" key to another character. The solution is another scancode to be assigned in remote.conf file. Instead of top row "0" button I assigned the numpad 0/Ins button. See below the change.

    #          0x01 11
              0x01 82

    Did anyone manage to solve this issue? When my Libreelec box is running at 1920x1080 I get this problem - connect using VNC and you only see part of the screen. Run the box at 1280x720 and VNC works fine and you can see the whole screen.

    Is this something that could be fixed?


    I have the same problem. If the resolution is set to 1920x1080p then only a part of the desktop is visible.

    In case of 1280x720p the complete desktop can be seen, however the resolution is so low that it is absolutely unreadable.

    The client is realVNC VNC viewer 6.17.1113

    Any clue how to make it usable?

    My Wetek Play is upgraded to LE 8.2.2. This box acts as a headless Tvheadend backend server.

    Generally I install CvH's Tvheadend addon builds. Now, HTS Tvheadend 4.3-936 ~ LibreELEC Tvh-addon v8.2.444 is running, however I found a severe issue. After a couple of channel switching no more channel can be tuned. Since this problem was present in earlier 4.3 builds I wanted to roll back to the official Tvheadend addon. Unfortunately it failed. The 4.2 addon can be seen in the Libreelec repo list but nothing happens when I click on install. It seems missing in the repo.

    There is static DHCP reservation in the router with host name assignment. Regardless, the name resolution does not always work on Windows 10 machine.

    The simple solution is the network interface restart. It worked before and does not work now. This is my problem.

    Sometimes I need to restart the LAN network interface to refresh the DHCP/DNS assignment.

    I prefer using host names in my network to access the boxes instead of using IP addresses. This sometimes the name resolution breaks e.g. after upgrade of an LE box. In this case a network interface restart helps.

    AFAIK I used the following command to remotely restart the LAN interface

    ifdown eth0 &&  ifup eth0

    however it is not working in LE 8.2.2 on ARM boxes-

    wetek:~ # ifdown eth0 &&  ifup eth0
    ifdown: can't open '/etc/network/interfaces': No such file or directory

    I suspect this was working before and probably the current behavior is a fault.


    I have just installed LE8.2.1.1 on my new Mecool M8sPro+. S905X box. Everything went fine except Tvheadend HTSP client which cannot start.

    This is in the Kodi.log

    21:51:54.076 T:3788727200   ERROR: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.hts/, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.hts/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
    21:52:04.774 T:3788727200   ERROR: UpdateAddons - failed to create add-on Tvheadend HTSP Client, status = 6

    How could I get rid of this problem?

    Fixing the browse function to use whatever new process Win10 uses (which again, is not how it worked under SMB1) is not an LE issue it is a Kodi issue, so you are complaining to the wrong audience.

    Hi chewitt,

    Thanks for response. I appreciate your trial of explanation of the complexity behind this issue.

    Anyway, let me ask another way.

    If I absolutely do not care if Kodi or LE interworks with Windows10 and would like to browse only my good old NAS as I did it with legacy LE releases, then is there any option for me to recover this functionality?

    I really use browsing occasionally, hence it is not obvious to recall the proper syntax and path of my shares, furthermore input characters over CEC control is not so fast and easy. I think no one could disagree with browsing is much more user friendly.

    I open this topic because my question is a bit different than the existing SMB issues.

    Obviously the problem happens after upgrade to 8.2.0. On my HTPCs, Libreelec is still able to access the configured SMB shares of my NAS however SMB network browsing does not work. It simply does not show any network share. Neither the NAS network shares nor the default shares of other LE 8.2.0

    Yes, I read the release notes. It states.

    Kodi “Windows network browsing” needs the Kodi SMB client to support SMB1 and we now default to SMB2/3 connections so browsing no longer works. Windows SMB share sources must be added using the full server/share path.

    Q1. How this can happen? My Windows10 PC still can browse the complete network and show all SMB network shares both on the NAS and on the LE 8.2.0 HTPCs. Browsing is a very basic operation. It should work in any SMB version.

    SMB sources from Samba/NAS devices can normally be browsed via the “ZeroConf network browsing” alternative.

    Q2: Unfortunately this does not fly. I can see the SMB and sftp shares of the other LE 8.2.0 HTPCs but not my legacy NAS.

    I understand the security aspects of these improvement, however form usability point of view this is not an acceptable way of operation.

    Sorry for the dumb question but I could not find clear instructions how to install Libreelec on an internal drive.

    There is a very detailed manual how to use the USB creator, however no any word nor instructions what to do with the USB media created.

    I would like to help a friend of mine and he states that his PC boots form the USB stick directly to LE. No option to install on internal drive.
