Posts by richardmayer

    Thanks for your help.

    I tried to reproduce the problem on my spare-NUC7 and was not able to (the update installed just fine).
    After some debugging, I was able to boot the LibeELEC 12 USB-Stick on my primary NUC7.

    For some reason, I had to enable "Legacy Boot" in the BIOS. After that the Upgrade from 11 => 12 also went just fine.

    And after the Update I was even able to disable "Legacy Boot" and the LE 12 Installation still boots fine.

    So... :)
    Thanks for your efforts and the time you invest for this great OS.


    I wanted to check out the latest LibreELEC Beta2 (x86-Generic) and it won't work for me on the Intel NUC7i3.
    Is this the right place to report Beta-Problems?

    I tried the following installations:

    - Update from running LibreELEC 11 => wont't boot
    - Clean install from USB-Stick to NVme-Drive in the NUC => won't boot
    - Running directly from USB-Stick, using USB-Stick as Storage => won't boot

    When trying to manually going to /EFI/BOOT and booting via bootx64.efi (executing bootx64.efi) the NUC won't do anything an just sit there in the EFI-Shell until I have to reset the computer.

    The fs-resize.log in the USB-Stick has the follwing content:

    /dev/sda2 /storage ext4 rw,noatime 0 0
    DISK: /dev/sda PART: /dev/sda2
    *** parted -s -f -m /dev/sda resizepart 2 100% >>/flash/fs-resize.log 2>&1
    Warning: Not all of the space available to /dev/sda appears to be used, you can fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra 60610560 blocks) or continue with the current setting?
    Fixing, due to --fix
    *** e2fsck -f -p /dev/sda2 >>/flash/fs-resize.log 2>&1
    STORAGE: 11/8192 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 6938/32768 blocks
    *** resize2fs /dev/sda2 >>/flash/fs-resize.log 2>&1
    resize2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
    Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sda2 to 30339052 (1k) blocks.
    The filesystem on /dev/sda2 is now 30339052 (1k) blocks long.

    SecureBoot is disabled in the BIOS and the NUC is working fine with LibreELEC 11.
    Any ideas, what might be causing the problems?

    Best Regard



    I have been running LibreELEC for a long time now with a central MySQL/MariaDB und profile-Files on a NFS-Share.

    The profile-Files have been accessed from the Clients via pathsubstitution like this.

    Since upgrading to LibeELEC 9 / Kodi 18 this does not work any more.

    LibreELEC won't even launch - it crashes a falls back to Safe-Mode.

    After removing the pathsubstitution it launches fine again.

    Is anybody using working pathsubstitution for his/her profile in Kodi 18?

    I really liked this feature.

    Is there another way to share the profile between multiple Clients?

    Best Regards



    there have been some Threads about SMB Connection problems, but I could not find my specific problem.

    Ever since I started using LibreElec Generic x64 on my NUC, I cannot access shared Folders on my Windows 7 "File-Server".

    When adding the share an trying to browse, I instantly get the error Message "Connection Timed out".

    I have no problems accessing the shares from my Mac and even with OpenELEC with the exact same configuration (imported), I have no problems accessing the shared folders.

    This is what I get in my Debug Log:

    18:35:35.265 T:139935050880768 ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://USERNAME:[email protected]/'

    unix_err:'6e' error : 'Connection timed out'

    18:35:35.265 T:139935669032192 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------

    Any ideas?

    Best Regards
