libreelec version
LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.1l-mm.img and device tree gxbb_p201.dtb
t work fine runningt from sd card but not from internal
libreelec version
LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.1l-mm.img and device tree gxbb_p201.dtb
t work fine runningt from sd card but not from internal
i have used putty on at least 4 tv boxes to install libreelec to nand so thats not the issue
Hi everyone I have mxq pro 4k s905 p201 S905Q_v2.0 marked on mother board. I can run Libreelec from sd card but when I try to run from nand i get blank screen. Can someone please help me to resolve this issue
Best Regards Pete
As I said i've got the sdk source code for the s905x how do i get it to you. I got it from mega
Kszaq messaged me said he needed sdk to get ssv6051 wifi working.I have the s905x sdk what do i do to get it to you developers
maybe it's what needed to get wifi on the mxq pro 4k s905x if you see my other posts on this subject you'll see Kszaq needs these drivers
If anyone interested here's a link to latest firmware
I'Ve tried all builds for this device and both dtb files but no option to enable wifi in libreelec network It is a Mxq pro 4k s905x p212. Ive found out from android system files that wifi drivers are ssv6051 which build supports this wifi or can it be added to a build.
I have mxq pro s905x p212 with no wifi option in libreelec network configuration the driver is ssv6051 is this included in any of the builds
I have seen request to try LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-devel-20170610224336-r26035-g5b22184.img.gz but can't find download. can you please send me link
I'm not quite sure I'm new to all this and don't know what i@m doing. Just trying to get wifi working. File in android wifi system folder named RT2870STA_7601 AND RT2870STA_7603 These are dat files It's got p212 architechture also i don't have option in libreelec network settings to enable wifi
What other details wanted. I'm able to pull any system file needed just ask I have 2 rtl files *.dat if they any use
I'm running libreelec from sd card but no wifi. I've managed to get wifi folder from android system files can anyone make use of these files to resolve issue for me and other users. send link for where to send folder