Posts by [email protected]
There are tons of examples why the name is chosen wrong:
Linux ( Linux - Wikipedia ) contain closed source parts that makes it non-free
Linux-Libre ( Linux-libre - Wikipedia ) the really free as in freedom version that uses correlty the word "libre"Coreboot ( coreboot - Wikipedia ) contain closed source parts (vbios, Intel-ME, ...)
Libreboot ( Libreboot - Wikipedia ) the really free as in freedom versionApache OpenOffice ( Apache OpenOffice - Wikipedia ) does not support freedom by using a software licence that allow "stealing" the code and using it in closed source software
LibreOffice ( LibreOffice - Wikipedia ) Added the MPL licence (Mozilla Public License - Wikipedia) that tries to fix this and help keeping the freedom thanks to light copyleft licence rulesLibreCAD ( LibreCAD - Wikipedia ) - fully GPL based Software
OpenWRT ( OpenWrt - Wikipedia ) - contains often closed source software like for example the closed source firmware file for the ath10k wifi chipsets
LibreWRT - now named LibreCMC ( LibreCMC - Wikipedia ) - the really free as in freedom version of OpenWRT that does not contain closed source softwareExplaination of FLOSS (free libre open source software
Free and open-source software - Wikipedia
Explaination of "free as in beer" and "free as in freedom (libre)": Gratis versus libre - WikipediaThe project LibrePlanet ( ) is about libre software and when you go to the annual meeting and explain "LibreELEC" everyone there would tell you that the name is totaly wrong ( LibrePlanet 2016 ).
OpenELEC/LibreELEC are Linux kernel projects with a great example of containing many software that is NOT LIBRE. One of many examples is this wiki page here that links to the github page of openelec that contain closed-source firmware file for this dvb-s2 card: TechniSat SkyStar S2 - LinuxTVWiki ( dvb-firmware/dvb-fe-cx24120- at master · OpenELEC/dvb-firmware · GitHub )
It would be great if you could fix your name (not libre) or the project (be libre) to not stay the first negative example of wrong usage of the word libre.
Normaly on kodi 16 there was the default setting to add a "play dvd" link on the main menu when a dvd was added. On libreelec 7.90.002 there is nothing. I went into settings and enabled the function to play dvd automaticly when it was added. But also then the dvd-menu didnt came. There was a file browser and i had to choose between audiots and videots. That cant be the propper way to play a dvd.
7.90.002 is the only Openelec/libreelec software that worked kind of propperly on the hardware. Every version before made much more problems. I would try to change the language to english, do the settings and change it then back to german.
Language setting is been done as far as i know in in the Libreelec->system tab that is not working any more. I cant change to english any more. And english would be fully unusable for the user of this machine because he cant speak/read english.
In the settings when i want to open up the system tab where you normaly can setup the timezone and so on, its empty.
What have been done:
Frehsh installation of 7.90.002, installation of german language, reboot, then configuration and i could not get into this settings tab. -
This is a strange problem that happens irregulary. On some days i cant tune into the dvb-s2 astra 19,2 WDR channels. None of them (wdr aachen, köln, ... ). When i press play, then i see this in the debug logfile:
15:03:34 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - QueueNotification - VDR VNSI Client - Info Message : 'Channel: no data'
15:03:34 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:03:38 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:03:44 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: StreamStatus - Channel: no data
15:03:44 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - QueueNotification - VDR VNSI Client - Info Message : 'Channel: no data'
15:03:44 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:03:48 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:03:54 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: StreamStatus - Channel: no data
15:03:54 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - QueueNotification - VDR VNSI Client - Info Message : 'Channel: no data'
15:03:54 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:03:58 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:04:04 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: StreamStatus - Channel: no data
15:04:04 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - QueueNotification - VDR VNSI Client - Info Message : 'Channel: no data'
15:04:04 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------Then channel itself is working fine when i connect an other device. Its also working fine when i tune at the same time from an other device connected to the same satelite dish.
OS: Fresh installed Libreelec 7.90.002 (older versions have many other bugs, this is the best version till now)
I can reproduce this whole time. VDR never works for more then few seconds with channel "Test-R" (channel extra for testing that) on asta 19,2.
VNSI just tell me " Info Message : 'Channel: unknown error (1)' "
15:40:12 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: Stream stalled, start buffering. Audio: 0 - Video: 0
15:40:12 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::FlushBuffers - flushing buffers
15:40:12 T:140702992824064 DEBUG: CDVDAudio::Flush - flush audio stream
15:40:12 T:140702992824064 DEBUG: CDVDAudio:ause - pausing audio stream
15:40:12 T:140702992824064 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
15:40:12 T:140702289737472 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
15:40:12 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 2
15:40:12 T:140702992824064 DEBUG: CDVDAudio:ause - pausing audio stream
15:40:17 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 13288684:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
15:40:17 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
15:40:17 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12005
15:40:17 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyPVRChannels.xml) ------
15:40:17 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
15:40:18 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 13289088:1c 0 KEY_ENTER_UP devinput (KEY_ENTER_UP)
15:40:19 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: StreamStatus - Channel: unknown error (1)
15:40:19 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - QueueNotification - VDR VNSI Client - Info Message : 'Channel: unknown error (1)'
15:40:19 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:40:23 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:40:29 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: StreamStatus - Channel: unknown error (0)
15:40:29 T:140702314915584 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - QueueNotification - VDR VNSI Client - Info Message : 'Channel: unknown error (0)'
15:40:29 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
15:40:31 T:140703671208000 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 13302154:80 0 KEY_STOP devinput (KEY_STOP)
Channel to test by yourself:
Test-R;ARD:10743:HC56M2S0:S19.2E:22000:501=2:502=deu@3:0:0:28726:1:1051:0OS: Fresh installed Libreelec 7.90.002 (older versions have many other bugs, this is the best version till now)