Posts by tilgrieog

    I've had a look around in Libreelec settings and searched the net but haven't found an answer to this. (I'm a linux novice so if there's an alternative way via cron or something I may need someone's help with the commands...)

    Anyway, the RPi 2B+ at my Mum's place does not have internet access. She uses it for local movies. But I've just taught her how to use some catch-up TV add-ons for a limited few hours per week of streaming when she's missed a TV ep. I set up her S7 hotspot and the add-on settings so it's pretty good over mobile access.

    The problem I've encountered is, when I turn on the hotspot it takes some time for Libreelec to connect - and teaching her how to manually do this will be confusing. I know I could just be more patient but I waited 5 minutes today and surprisingly still wasn't connected. Also, when looking at the available connections in settings sometimes even this list is delayed to populate with networks.

    I figured there might be a setting for refreshing available networks, and wondered how long this is typically?

    An even better solution would be something like this. I'm using a mod of Estuary and put all the add-ons in a page on its home screen. It'd be great if I knew there was something that caused the connection refresh to be triggered when (or before) someone accesses these add-ons. But I'm not sure if there's a simple way for a skin to trigger this.

    Okay now this is useful information. I guess when I was reading about NFS in LE I didn't realise this was referring to LE acting as a client, not a server. I'm surprised though to find the suggestion is to use a client that is not related to Kodi!

    I got Emby working. Although it was a little clumsy trying to find where to set up the library from within the client app -- sort of like an app within an app -- but I got the idea in the end. Thanks for the suggestion and I'll press on seeing if this meets my needs.

    I'm running LibreELEC 8.2.5 on a RPi 3B+

    I have a usb hdd containing all my movies connected to it.

    My aim is to use Kodi on my Android devices on same network, and add that hdd as a source.

    (I've tried and successfully streamed from the Pi with DLNA/uPNP, but I don't want to navigate through metadata provided by that server - I want the external movies actually catalogued in a local library.)

    I previously had some success with SMB before I upgraded LibreELEC to the current version, after which it stopped working and I learnt about SMB1 now being unavailable by default, and Kodi for Android not yet supporting SMB2+.

    Correct me if I'm wrong - these are just my understanding from reading.

    It seemed to me the internet was suggesting to use NFS, for speed and avoiding security issues of SMB1 (and as SMB2/3 is out).

    Now, I'm basically a beginner with Linux and obviously only just learnt what NFS is, but I'm quite capable of following instructions.

    The reason I post this is because every article I find about NFS is either written for more advanced Linux users, and/or comes with a warning that you should know a bit about Linux before messing with this.

    I'd be surprised if I was the only novice who wanted this, so I'm surprised I can't find some instructions for beginners that just says line-by-line what to put into an SSH window that would make this work? I mean, since my setup is pretty much stock standard, it couldn't be the case that these instructions would need to be too specific to my situation.

    Am I right, that NFS what I want?

    If there is already an article I'd greatly appreciate someone pointing me to it, or otherwise it seems this might be a handy thing to provide. I know how to SSH with root so can skip that part, but what to do next written in laymans terms would be great to read!

    TIA :)

    Going by reports here and in other forums, the BT on RPi3 is not its best feature.

    Haha, thanks for the reply and yes it seems that way!

    I still want to be able to do this so I'm tossing up whether to just buy an external BT dongle. But I only want to do that if I know it will work independently (at proper speed) on its own, and not cause me more trouble getting the dongle connected/paired or slowing the system down ... i.e. I was worried there is something else on-board in the RPi system or LibreELEC that makes the audio lag even if it's coming out of a USB adapter.

    As I said I'm not really expert on the architecture of this stuff.. happy to get one as long as I don't just create another problem!


    I've been scratching my head a lot trying to get this working, and at first I thought I might have similar issues as the thread:


    but I can't get anywhere, so I don't know if it's a different issue hence a new thread. I must admit I'm a bit of a noob with this stuff. I mean, I'm happy to follow instructions and research to learn about Linux/RPi to try fixing stuff, but honestly I'm a bit disappointed how hard it is to just play music on a BT speaker out of the box given the experience I'm having.

    Let's see. I'm running a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with LibreELEC 8.0.0 Kodi 17.0. This thing is brand new, I've just set up my media libraries. (OK I lie, I set up the Estuary Mod skin too.)

    I switched on Bluetooth and I've got a Logitech UE Megaboom. Also I've got a UE Miniboom speaker. For some reason the Bluetooth screen shows the Megaboom speaker but not the Miniboom, so I can't even connect to the one I wanted (setting this up for my mum as it's her speaker). I'd have thought they'd work exactly the same, but I experiment with my megaboom anyway.

    The thing pairs after a few attempts and Kodi runs as normal while audio is over HDMI. I switch to BT/PULSE as instructed (which I find this whole procedure annoying and not exactly user friendly for someone wanting a media centre for their parents), and then everything starts running slow.

    The sync gets delayed as in previous threads - I notice this by counting the seconds between the 'click' sound as I navigate menu buttons. Eventually they're 2-3 sec behind. And when I try watching movies I get more and more "Buffering" dialogues, and eventually the ability to play video stops altogether (it pauses or goes black), and then all my audio goes mute. I can return to the home screen but any navigation is at a snail's pace. So, like the previous threads the sync gets delayed, but I'm not sure I should see the entire system slowing down and the audio failing altogether. If I switch off BT the audio never returns either, nor does the system return to speed -- I just have to physically reboot.

    So I tried the suggestions about disabling internal wifi in case it is this:


    and I confirmed the wireless network is gone but it hasn't changed a thing with BT audio. So.... is this some other problem, or does Bluetooth on RPi just really suck that much? I'm pretty much minutes from giving up on it altogether, but feel a bit cheated as I bought this knowing I could set up that feature. If anyone can help diagnose, or just tell me if an external dongle works better, at least I don't lose that functionality.

    Thanks in advance!