Posts by marhycz

    Hi, It's my first bug report, so I hope I write here everything necessary :)

    I am using LE 8.0.1 on an Apollo Lake board (J4205-ITX). So Intel HD 505 GPU.
    I have a Panasonic TX-50CS630E TV and I recently bought a LG SH7 Soundbar.

    If I plug HDMI or DVI->HDMI output on the board directly into the TV, the RGB range is set correctly.
    (I can use either Full RGB settings on TV, or use Normal RGB settings on TV and set 16-235 range in Kodi output settings.)

    However, if I use the soundbar (I plug PC output into the Soundbar HDMI input and then Soundbar HDMI out into TV) the RGB range is messed up. In order to have right colors, I need to use Full RGB settings on my TV and 16-235 output in Kodi, which seems to me completely weird.
    Normal combinations like Full RGB on TV and Full in Kodi settings or Normal RGB on TV and 16-235 in Kodi settings always produce wrong colors.

    I can temporarily fix that by issuing

    xrandr --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Limited 16:235"

    through SSH. Then I can set TV RGB range on Normal and keep Kodi 16-235 output settings.

    So the problem is, that the system somehow messes up the RGB output, that a combination Full RGB on TV and 16-235 on Kodi is needed.

    The full debug log is here:
    I started the system, logged in through SSH, issued the command above to correct the settings and exported the log.

    The dmesg output is here:
    J4205 and LG SH7 Soundbar -