here is my kodi crash log. Once I try to open a video in Mediakthek addon with Quality set to HD, no matter what stream type is configured - Kodi crashed with restarting the GUI.
It would be great if you could take a quick look at my issue. I suspect that a certain video encoding and/or meta-data are responsible for the Kodi crash. If I knew the reason, I might be able to retrieve the video in a different format ...
thanks and best wishes
Dear FranzMarck,
I had same issue with my Cubox i4-pro and LibreElec Krypton, no matter what kernel (3.14 or 4.4) I use. You can try to: 1.) Use an alternative addon like "Mediathek direkt" from or ... 2.) I found that if i set the video quality in the Mediatek addon to HD - Kodi crashed. Setting it to high or very high worked for me.