Posts by GMT

    I have an MXQ all black box. S805, model M201D. Build number MXQ.V2.201601260953

    I had a lot of trouble trying out Abduls Lollipop, and various ways of trying to install several versions of LibreElec. They would both install but had chronic crashing issues during and after boot.

    What DID work however, was installing file LibreELEC-S805.arm-8.0-8.0.1a-m201d.img to an SD card and dual booting. After setup and tweaking of the SD card environment, I used puTTy terminal software to connect from my laptop to box via SSH (you have to turn it and SAMBA on in the LibreElec settings!) and logged in as user: root pass: libreelec then issued the command installtointernal to install the current build to internal NAND. Choose to save user data to internal memory when it asks! Then I issued command rebootfromnand to watch it attempt to boot from new internal install. It worked after several tries, and boots without SD card in unit.. hurray and GREAT WORK by all those involved!!

    I used SAMBA to install my IR remote config file with no issues... nice.

    It is a little glitchy still.. No way to power down, as it won't come back from shutdown with IR power button or KODI shutdown button. I tried to boot TWRP in order to backup and clone successful install, but it would not boot and resulted in improper boot of LibreElec. I had to dual boot and installtointernal again to fix. If anyone can tell me how to make a copy of the complete image to clone to my two other boxes it would be great.

    Small issues, and I am very happy with the new software.. Once again THANKS! GREAT JOB :)