Just use these and you don't have to change the stuff yourself
For simplicity just copy the listen script directly into /storage/ - eg /storage/Listen_to_LineIn_on_Lineout.sh
For testing run the script from a terminal, edit it, run it again... until you are happy with the result.
Then, if you want to make it permanent (i.e. automatically activated at each boot) add it to the 90-wolfson.rules file. It should look somthing like this:
# enable SPDIF plus all analog outputs
SUBSYSTEM=="sound", ACTION=="add|change", ATTR{id}=="sndrpiwsp", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/SPDIF_playback.sh -q", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/Playback_to_Lineout.sh -q", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/Playback_to_Headset.sh -q", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/Playback_to_Speakers.sh -q", \
RUN+="/storage/Listen_to_LineIn_on_Lineout.sh eq"