8.1 solved my problem
8.1 solved my problem
I had to add the SMB port to my network location so smb:// all my Samba issues
I've tried this as well - doesn't work.
Still no success.
I tried booting my box from xubuntu stick and I can access my shares without a single problem.
But any change I made to any of smb related conf files in LE dind't change behavior I described: SOMETIMES I get PART of directory listing, but most of the time its either empty or "invalid argument" message appears (same in logs). Looks like sort of timeout problem...
Any new idea?
Yes, workgroup is configured there.
The second suggestion didn't work both for /storage/.smb/smb.conf and /storage/.config/samba.conf (which as I supposed is actual configuration). Behaviour didn't changed.
What is the truth with conf file location? There is another one as well: /storage/.kodi/.smb/smb.conf. What for are all three files?
Hi everybody
I know this problem has appeared in this and other forums multiple times. I think I tried most if not all solutions given there and nothing works...
I'm trying to configure pictures source as Windows 10 shared folder. As I click on the source there are few alternating behaviours (with the same configuration of both samba and windows):
Things I've tried (only these I remember):
Windows machine is visible in the correct workgroup when browsing in Kodi. Windows can access LibreELEC machine without a single problem.
Any of the changes didn't change the behaviour. Windows 10 is up to date. LibreELEC 8.0.1. samba.conf-sample was used as baseline for modification (with workgroup changed).
Has anyone any new ideas?