Posts by lippythelog


    I tried the 8.1.1 beta of Libreelec and found there were multiple problems with TVHeadened 4.2 and reverted back to LE 8.0.2 and TVH 4.09.

    I have found that in general (for me at any rate) that TVH 4.2 regardless of which previous version of LE is used has not been as good an experience as TVH 4.09.

    Problems with TVH not recording were not my main issue - I had the network path set in the TVH web GUI to a dedicated HDD for LIVE TV recordings and this worked fine for recording and play back.

    The main item I encountered was the channel switching on TVH 4.2 been very, very slow taking in excess of 10 seconds to change and unfortunately that is not a good wife acceptance criteria. So to avoid the spousal heated exchanges, a reversion back to LE 8.0.2 and TVH 4.09 was needed.

    Beta software can and probably will spring up some unexpected and unforeseen circumstances, hopefully other forum members may be able to provide a better steer for you, awaiting that occurring I would recommend reverting back to the last master release version to save your sanity.

    If you have any log files I would find on the forums where these can be pasted for the devs to be able to see what may be causing the issue for you.

    Hi beckysat,

    May be a daft response the official TBS drivers are automatically included in LE 8, so there should be no need for those non official TBS drivers unless you were having problems with your TBS equipment.

    Post correction, see next post below from CvH.

    I have used Crazycat drivers pre LE 8 (excellent they are too) there was a post in one of the forums from crazycat (can't find it now) about open source and official TBS drivers which said to go with official TBS drivers from LE 8 as they were part of the core kernel build.

    If I'm wrong on the crazycat post content - crazycat I do then apologise in advance.

    I've been using the official TBS drivers in LE 8 and have not had any problems when using with TvH 4.0 and TBS 4 tuner card 6985.

    Here is a link from one of crazycat's posts ljalves/linux_media to the page that has the open source drivers for TBS cards.

    Cheers I will give that a go later in the week

    Hi H0nch0 there yes the above worked, many thanks - I have done some further information gathering on the internet and have a more detailed steps proceedure to get this done if people want to ssh from OSX in to the libreelec box.

    I got the steps from H0nch0 and other kodi / openelec / libreelec forums, so I cannot claim to have come up with the steps just pulled them in to a single task flow and show the steps many people do automatically but dont articulate in the solutions.

    This information covers VDR and TV Headend clients only, make sure you only have one of the PVR clients enabled. If you have two PVR clients running this will cause problems.

    If you have switched from one PVR client to another, make sure the previously used PVR client is fully disabled. There are instructions on the forum on how to do this.

    Before doing any of the below please save a copy of your channels.conf file and keep in a safe folder.

    Your channel.conf file is normally within linux folders Userdata > addon_data > service.multimedia.vdr-addon > config


    • For live TV with VDR you need these add-ons enabled and configured:
    • VDR PVR Backend
    • VDR VNSI Client
    • VDR Configuration
    • In the VDR VNSI Client within the configuration option turn on "Create channel groups automatically on the server”, otherwise it gets disabled again after a short time.
    • There must be a channels.conf, without the channels.conf VDR will stop if you try to tune to a channel with VNSI.

      • Your channel.conf file is normally within linux the folder Userdata > addon_data > service.multimedia.vdr-addon > config
    • A good place to start looking for a place to edit you channels.conf file is as H0nch0 shows for DVB-S or or personally edit your channel.conf file with one of the tools available - the only one I could find and used was for windows which i used via boot camp on my mac.

      • once you have edited the channel.conf file check its content via a text edit program to check it has only your channels in the channel group order you want.
      • When I opened the channels.conf file with the text edit program I personally could see all the channels I had selected in the order i wanted but there was also the other channels not wanted showing in the channels.conf file so I removed/deleted all the channels i did not want and then resaved the channels.conf file
    • Once you have located your edited channels.conf file you need to stop Kodi.

      • open terminal or other command line tool and ssh in to Kodi by typing [email protected] - XX been the IP number of your kodi set up - and enter your Kodi password

        • Then enter the text in bold systemctl stop kodi and press return/enter
    • Copy your edited channels.conf file and paste in to the place the channels.conf file is stored in Libreelec

      • normally within linux the folders Userdata > addon_data > service.multimedia.vdr-addon > config
      • now re start Kodi via ssh by entering the text in bold and press return / enter - systemctl start kodi
    • Now enable Live TV in Kodi

      • System >Settings >TV >General >Enabled
      • Settings >TV > General > Synchronize channel groups with backend(s) - disable, otherwise the TV entry in the main menu disappears after scanning for channels.

        • By default VDR scans for channels in the background. It continuously updates the channels.conf file
        • This needs to be disabled via System >Settings >TV > Client specific > Client specific settings > VDR OSD
        • In the OSD Setup > DVB > Update channels > set to ‘no’
    • Reboot system
    • Turn off VDR in TV settings
    • Clear data in TV settings
    • Turn on VDR in TV settings

    TVHeadend PVR

    • For live TV with tvheadend instead of VDR you need these add-ons enabled:
    • TVheadend from the unsupported unofficial OpenELEC repository
    • TVheadend HTSP Client configuration is done via a web frontend, browse with for example Firefox to <ip of your Librelec Box>:9981 or your port number if it has been changed
    • Disable VDR PVR Backend and VDR VNSI Client.
    • TV channels must be mapped (web frontend), otherwise enabling TV in the Kodi settings will not work.
    • Enable Live TV in Kodi. System->Settings->TV->General->Enabled.
    • System->Settings->TV->General->Clear data may be necessary.


    Before doing any of the below to update the list of channels please save a copy of your channels.conf file and keep in a safe folder.

    Please note that if new channels are added to you will need to manually re-scan by changing the setting Synchronize channel groups with backend(s) to enable.
    VDR will perform a default rescan for channels in the background and should update the channels.conf file, then you need re-edit your channels.conf file following the above steps.

    Hope this helps people.

    Hello all

    I'm currently running Kodi Jarvis, titan media browser skin with VDR as a back end PVR client and VNSI - TBS Freesat card installed and all works pretty much flawlessly apart from the channel custom group that I set up keeps going 'missing'.

    I had set up a custom tv station order group - via the kodi group manager option (that is a real pain to do manually) - showing only the freesat channels I want, in the order I want.

    Ocassionally the box will suffer a 'freeze' which means a hard reset - switching off and back on - to get kodi running again. What then happens is if I go back in to the live tv option the custom group will no longer be present to select and this means a manual set up of a group again.

    I have set up an edited channels.conf file, I then stop kodi (via remote ssh from my mac) and paste the edited file in to kodi where the original channels.conf file was located (addon_data>service.multimedia.vdr-addon>config) and then restart kodi from the command line, but no joy as kodi over writes the edited channels.conf file with all the freesat channels and the order the satellte has the channels in.

    Any ideas as to why kodi does not retain the tv custom group set up information or how to get the edited channels.conf file to stop been overwritten?

    Its very frustrating to say the least - any help would be greatly received.
