Posts by russellz

    Crashlogs, that what we need. /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crash.log

    Although in this case, it's pretty clear you have a database issue:

    15:52:33.483 T:1962264704 ERROR: SQL: [Addons27.db] SQL error or missing database
    Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version


    rm /storage/.kodi/userdata/Database/Addons27.db

    and reboot.

    For some reason your addon database has failed to migrate. If it continues, try uploading your AddonsXX.db version prior to Addons27.db and paste a link.

    Thanks Milhouse,
    That's fixed it.


    Can we please have a copy of the previous DB file from the same folder; for Jarvis this will be Addons20.db. Share the file via dropbox or similar or if not possible email to my forum username The file will be passed to Kodi developers to investigate why the migration process is failing. Fixes were added into Krypton 17.1 to solve a previous (more common) migration issue but there are clearly other scenarios that cause issues.

    Not sure who this was addressed to but here's a link to my Addons20.db file:
    Dropbox - Addons20.db
