Posts by Erwin_W


    I have a problem with my RPI3 with LibreELEC 7.0.1, when i watch a movie (720/1080) the screen (TV on HDMI) turns off after about 45-60 minutes.
    My remote control (iPhone and Android-tablet) is still connected to the RPI3 (leds are working) but nothing happens, the only thing i can do is to disconnect the powerconnector and connect it again so the RPI3 restart.

    When i watch a simple stream with liveTV (<720) than everything works fine.

    When i touch the case of the RPI3 than the temperature is a little bit high but i can thouch it normaly with my fingers without burning them.

    I search Google but i can't find anything about this problem so i hope anyone here can help me.

    At this moment the case of the RPI3 has no cover (i removed it) so the heat can flow away, maybe this can solve it temporarily

    Hopefully anyone have a answer for this problem.

    Little update:
    I found out that my microSD-card (8Gb) has changed tot 300Mb , is to little to work with LibreElec i think.
    Problebly this could be the problem, i will check it with a new sd (SDHC) card this week, if anyone has more ideas it would be great.

    Another update:
    Now i formatted my SDCard and the 8Gb is back, installed LibreELEC again en tested it with open case.
    After more than one hour the temperature is now 55-60 degrees en didn't fall out.
    I will test it this week with more movies.