Posts by Kokemon

    Can not running script because script need do create some new folder in folder sys/class/gpio and safe same data. I previous version Nexus was works normally. But in version OMEGA looks like all folders are write protected. This is not my scriot. This script use powerbutton module from and must shutdown rpi4 first and than dusconnected power for all system

    Programi is OK ! I am sure. In version 11.0.6 was working normally. I know about chmod +x Via ssh also has problem. Answrear after start is something like "can not create any folder and files".

    I put bellow complet scrtipt (program), The problem is in libreelec a i´I think.

    Thanks for any idea and help!

    The first part of the instructions below adds the main shutdown script for the RemotePi Board to the file, which enables the script to run when the OS starts.

    • Key in (mind the . in front of config !) :
      cd .config
    • Copy and paste (use shift+ins to paste in nano) the following into the nano editor window. If there is already something in the file, just add the following as the last lines. If the last line is exit 0, then place the following lines before that line.
    • Press ctrl+x to exit the editor, y to confirm, enter to save the file
    • Key in
      chmod +x

    The next part creates the main RemotePi Board shutdown script. This script shuts down the OS safely, when the button on the RemotePi Board or the off button on the remote is pressed :

    • Key in
    • Copy and paste the following text into the editor window
      # this is the GPIO pin receiving the shut-down signal
      echo "$GPIOpin1" > /sys/class/gpio/export
      echo "in" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin1/direction
      while true; do
      sleep 1
      power=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin1/value)
      if [ $power != 0 ]; then
      echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin1/direction
      echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin1/value
      sleep 3
    • Press ctrl+x to exit, y to confirm, enter to save the file
    • Key in
      chmod +x

    The following additional script enables the RemotePi Board to cut off the power, after OpenElec / LibreELEC has been shut down from the on-screen menu.

    • Key in :
    • Copy and paste the following contents
    • #!/bin/bash
      if [ "$1" != "reboot" ]; then
      echo "$GPIOpin" > /sys/class/gpio/export
      # execute shutdown sequence on pin
      echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/direction
      echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value
      usleep 125000
      echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value
      usleep 200000
      echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value
      usleep 400000
      echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value
      # set GPIO 14 high to feedback shutdown to RemotePi Board
      # because the has already been terminated
      echo "$GPIOpin1" > /sys/class/gpio/export
      echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin1/direction
      echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin1/value
      usleep 4000000
    • Press ctrl+x to exit, y to confirm, enter to save the file
    • Mark the script as executable by keying in
      chmod +x
    • Reboot from the OpenElec or LibreELEC OS GUI.
    • After reboot you can use the RemotePi Board to power cycle OpenElec / LibreELEC

    Hallo everyone !

    I installed clean installation of a new version Libreelec 9.95.2 ( Libreelec 10 matrix) on SD card for RPI-4 4GB. Previous version works without any problem. HDMI ports detect automaticaly. But now when I try to connect same equipment RPI-4 with new SW 9.95.2 during boot up process sometimes connect to hdmi and works, but sometimes not. I use for connection HDMI-0 (close to power source connector). After some different setup in config file i realized that works (not works) not properly. But when I tried later to connect my cable to HDMI-1 ( more distant from power source connector ) HDMI detection works without any problem. I think it must be any error inside Libreelec program for RPI-4 and automatic detection is not work correctly. Or there is any mistake and who programed SW maybe did mistake and switched priority for HDMI. Normally it must be the first HDMI 0 and the second HDMI 1. But in this case helped me set to config file hdmi_force_hotplug:0=1 . After this setting disapeared any problem with detection. I think is not normal and as i wrote before there is any problem inside software.

    And my second problem (question) is if i start rpi-4 with TV off a TV is On automaticaly, but not connect RPI-4 with TV. Only TV switch from live tv to right HDMI port, but nothing more. No picture or something and after while only stay black screen with label in left corner libreelec 9.95.2 and stop booting nothing happend. In this case i have to always restart RPI-4. I used RPI-4 for together with powerboard from shop

    Also if you see bootloader is old version in LE 9.95.2 from 09/2020. But now is new version 04/2021.

    Is there anybody with same experience !

    Thanks for attention and sorry for my english.