Also dann erkläre ich es auf Deutsch. Ich verwende seit kurzem libreelec 7.0.1 auf einem raspi 2. Seit 1 woche startet es nicht mehr richtig. Es erscheint am Anfang immer die konfigurations wizard wo aber keine Schriften drauf sind. Ich kann es weder anklicken noch weg klicken. Ich muss es paar mal neustarten bis es wieder richtig startet. Manchmal ist auch nur ein schwarzer Bildschirm. Angeschlossen ist eine externe Festplatte2.5" und betreibe auch ambilight. Wo liegt der fehler? Bin eigentlich mit guter Hoffnung von openelec zu libreelec gekommen weil ich bei openelec nur noch Abstürze hatte.
Posts by moris187
nobody who can help me?
So this trouble occurs with the standart skin . I do not know exactly how to deal with pastebin . Have it as uploaded . Hab inserted only kodi.log file
kodi.log -
is it really so?
then I also get a log file of hyperion
hyperion.log - Pastebin.comI hope you can help me . now I have to start to make it work properly and I think there playing my external hard drive not long couple of times with
Hey people, I take part from Germany therefore sorry for my english. I have a problem with the skins in libreelec. I use the version 7.0.1 on raspi2 and have always tried to install different skins but this is already a serious hurdle because to take one. he does not assume directly. it has few times draufklicken until he accepts it. last I used phenomenal ran stably few weeks and suddenly when I start it comes manschmal no picture and sometimes takes a configuration window where I can recognize nothing. had been looking forward what stable to find and am away from OpenELEC but now this? where may be the fault does not want to use the standart skin.