Also been a bit of discussion about big playback start delay differences with ffmpeg and HLS streams (between Jarvis/Krypton) in following thread along with related trac tickets pursuing a longer term fix Krypton 10 seconds to switch stream, Jarvis 2 seconds
Posts by MikeKL
I assume that HDMI is being provoked by something installed on rpi which is sending a wake-up signal, I would check various settings in CEC Adapter
for option most likely to wake up the tv i.e.Settings -> System -> Input -> Peripherals -> CEC adapter -> Switch source to this device on startup
Hi Pawnthep,Yes that's is. Thanks a lot!! After enabling this option I can now also select the hidden folders.
Great thanks!be aware that there is a hidden snag with using this method in that it exposes your kodi DB's to any hidden files contained in any folders and "may" cause unexpected behaviour after scanning/updating music & video for user added items.
The filmon pvr addon handles epg out of the boxAwiouy is absolutely correct (Note: Works with your Filmon account details and with your user selected favourite channels)
You can also select items to be recorded (Which will be captured/held against your filmon account on web) although you currently cannot playback these recordings via kodi Live TV
(Note: length of recording available dependent on your account with filmon, for a free account only 30 mins)Note pvr.filmon is currently not working (since last week) until fix and v1.4.3 fully released and included with kodi/LibrElec builds
ref PVR is Broken - FILMON API CHANGESpvr.filmon needs some love and support from user and developer community (i.e. to enable playback of our "Filmon cloud" recordings from kodi build in Live TV options)
donbrew with WebGrab+Plus Service (currently v8.0.104 for LE Krypton or v7.0.104 LE Jarvis) you need to ensure that you remove default 300 value from --on-active field
(To stop run of webgrabplus 300s (5Mins) after every device restart)Otherwise at a set time (5 mins by default) after every reboot job will be run.
For a quick how-to modify settings introduced in vx.1.104 see my Screenshots in this post
Hello Alister,Can you describe the circumstances which produce this error?
Are you trying to run the service manually?
If so, you should use the command, not the command webgrabplus.startawiouy, Please can you update 1st post in thread to reflect latest release features. (This will reduce user queries on changes/improvements to this truly excellent service add-on)
I will integrate your configurator to the LE addon this week-endLooking forward to Primaeval's WebGrab+Plus Configurator (all options?) being merged into webgrabplus service, makes a lot of sense.
I believe that webgrabplus.start program we previously pointed too for when specific one-off runs of epg grab required (i.e. via primaeval configurator) becomes with webgrab+Plus v8.0.104 and later versions. (Is this a correct assumption, I have only looked at code contained in .start & .run files, have not physically tested
Thank you MikeKL for the feedback and for the detailed instructions.
I will ask to commit the corresponding pull request
Quick update to confirm job ran successfully as expected on my rpi2 at 03:00 this morning and have just used Kodi GUI and webgrabplus settings option to modify time to run job on Tue morning at 04:00Checking remotely using ssh and "systemctl list-timers" command, confirms next job will run Tue 2016-10-25 04:00:00 BST
sshing to rpi2 and running the "systemctl list-timers" command, following is the interesting information, extracted from commands output
CodeNEXT LEFT LAST PASSED UNIT ACTIVATES Mon 2016-10-24 03:00:00 BST 11h left Sun 2016-10-23 11:21:33 BST 4h 22min ago webgrabplus.timer webgrabplus.service
- NEXT = Next time the job will run
- LEFT = Time remaining until next job runs (from current time)
- LAST = Last time job ran (from current time, which was 300 secs after webgrabplus service was installed/enabled)
- PASSED = Time since last job ran
- UNIT = the webgrabplus.timer
- ACTIVATES = the webgrabplus.service
Which gives me a good indication that webgrabplus will run fine at 03:00 on Monday morning -
OK Installed LE 8 Preview version of LibreELEC WebGrab+Plus service (over top of my existing WebGrab+Plus service Installation)
I then ensured latest version of WebGrab+Plus service was configured/enabled and to my preferences.
Add-ons -> Add-on Browser and select My Add-ons
Select Services
Select WebGrab+Plus
Select Configure
WebGrab+Plus Settings options
- I have removed default 300 value from --on-active field (To stop run of webgrabplus 300s (5Mins) after every device restart)
- I have left --on-calendar field at default setting. (To run webgrabplus daily at 03:00)
Everything looking Good
thank you very much for modifiable timer addition to LibreELEC WebGrab+Plus Service add-on Awiouy
awiouy primaeval, think I have finally understood how-to set up timer service for webgrabplus.start
On my Rpi2 running LibreELEC, I have created service.webgrabplus.service and service.webgrabplus.timer files and transferred them to
Code[Unit] Description=WebGrab+Plus Documentation= [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/sh /storage/.kodi/addons/service.webgrabplus/bin/webgrabplus.start
Display More[Unit] Description=Run WebGrab+Plus daily [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* 04:00:00 Persistent=true Unit=service.webgrabplus.service [Install]
Then I enabled and started timer with following commands via ssh
systemctl enable service.webgrabplus.timer
systemctl start service.webgrabplus.timerI can check that the webgrabplus timer and service are actively running via ssh (following is short extract of pertinent info)
systemctl list-timers
CodeNEXT LEFT LAST PASSED UNIT ACTIVATES Mon 2016-10-10 04:00:00 BST 9h left n/a n/a service.webgrabplus.timer service.webgrabplus.service
Now see if service runs successfully/correctly at 04:00 tomorrow morning
I assume you forgot to type /storage in the crontab? Or, does that work?
Yes your right forgot
to add /storage double-checked and line in my root file is 0 3 * * * /storage/.kodi/addons/service.webgrabplus/bin/webgrabplus.start
Sorry about that.. -
Regarding setting up cron to temporarily replace awiouy provided service.webgrabplus, this is what I did and works for me :-
1. Disabled WebGrab+Plus service addon via Kodi UI (Fully disables addon, but currently believe does not fully disable service?)
2. Disabled service via ssh and command line (systemctl stop service.webgrabplus "then" systemctl disable service.webgrabplus)
3. Utilised a cron job to run awiouy webgrabplus.start automatically and only once a day at 03:00Added following line within root file /.cache/cron/crontabs/root (via ssh and using crontab -e command)
0 3 * * * /storage/.kodi/addons/service.webgrabplus/bin/webgrabplus.start
Above will ensure job is run at 03:00 every day as Cron is enabled by default in LibreELEC on my RPi2, so simply re-booting device ensures that cron job(s) runs at set time every day.
Note: Above still utilises the webgrabplus addon via mono as provided by awiouy (Thanks so much)
---edited--- to correct line I added to root file to included missing /storage
Thanks for the explanation, yes I already realised it had no actual impact on the actual result of job, just thought it useful (even though late) to report very minor issue in this thread.
And thanks for the sleep idea, using your recently added before script, assume can use it to set first webgrab run to "anytime" after boot, never thought about that
---edit---Looked into answering own question, about setting length of sleep time -> Linux / UNIX: Bash Script Sleep or Delay a Specified Amount of Time – nixCraft
I currently believe the service that runs immediately after a boot may have a minor issue in sense that webgraplus log gets confused about when boot job actually started/finished. I could not put my finger exactly on how this minor issue occurs but believe the overall recorded job time could be between previous and latest pi re-boot?
(Adding two boot webgrabplus service jobs together "Start/Finish timewise" if that makes any sense to you)Note: Only noticed this occuring for the service job that runs immediately after a boot, all other service jobs running every six hours appear to contain a correctly record time taken to run job in the webgrabplus log. Note: I am running milhouse nighly versions of LibreELEC Krypton.
You're on your own, now
Upon a reboot of my rpi2 to install milhouse nightly build of LibreELEC service.webgrabplus was restarted and back into every six hour EPG update + my cron job 03:00. (Assume because it Stops but does not fully Disable service, when disabling the WebGrab+Plus service addon?)
So for now in summary :-
1. Disabled WebGrab+Plus service via the Kodi Ui (Fully disables addon, but currently believe does not fully disable service?)
2. Disabled service via the command line (systemctl stop service.webgrabplus, then systemctl disable service.webgrabplus)
3. Utilising a cron job to run webgrabplus.start automatically and only once a day at 03:00 -
You have several options to disable the system.d service
1. disable the service via the Kodi Ui
2. disable the service via the command line (systemctl stop service.webgrabplus, then systemctl disable service.webgrabplus)
3. Uninstall the addon, and re-install the files from git (awiouy/webgrabplus)
4. Uninstall the addon, re-install the piecemeal manually
5. Fix the addon, eg to change it from a system.d/shell service to a Kodi/python service.Option 5 would allow configuration/feedback via the Kodi UI, and to upgrade the addon from an LE specific addon to a more generic Kodi addon.
I never used cron
OK, for now as a temporary measure, I will go with disabling the addon from within kodi (Estuary Skin) via :-
Add-on browser -> My add-ons -> Services -> WebGrab+Plus (context menu -> Information) then Disable.
Then I will use the cron job for next few days at 03:00 to understand reliabilty of this method
Thanks for your support
Awiouy, thanks for your thoughts on options available
And just a quick update that cron config command does work, tried it at 18:45 and job ran fine
(Cron seems to be enabled by default in LibreELEC for Raspberry Pi)Note: missed adding /storage at start of working directory string for webgrabplus.start in previous post in error.
For general information, cron seems really easy to set-up, reference following for scheduling frequency settings
Code# ┌───────────── min (0 - 59) # │ ┌────────────── hour (0 - 23) # │ │ ┌─────────────── day of month (1 - 31) # │ │ │ ┌──────────────── month (1 - 12) # │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to # │ │ │ │ │ Saturday, or use names; 7 is also Sunday) # │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ │ │ # * * * * * command to execute
Ref Cron - Wikipedia