Posts by MikeKL

    Ecolive. Make absolute sure you check and use provided username and passwords required for a "Manual setup" of ExpressVPN on a device. (Important Note: They are not same as those utilised to access your account on their webpage.)

    So an .img.gz will NOT scrub the entire disk, just over -write necessary system files?

    Essentially "update method" updates (or downgrades if updating to an older build) all system files, leaving all users setup information and addons as they are: unless its absloutely neccessary to disable/upgrade a user related addon/item due to incompatabilty with build being installed.

    This is why its "recommended/extremely important" to create a backup (and store away from device) using backup options via libreelec settings option.

    That way if in unlikely case anything does go wrong with update method, you can get back to previous build you had installed and recover from backup to have everything set-up and working as it was orginally on your device.

    (Scared to use .IMG.GZ, might over-write the whole disk, isn't it?)

    Don't worry you can use .tar or .img.gz to manual update device from existing installed running build to latest beta as mentioned in Update Libreelec section of wiki. Just ensure you have correct .tar or .img.gz file for your specific device, transfer downloaded file into update folder of device (using your chosen method to transfer file to device) then reboot.

    boot with inserted card = os on card,

    boot without card = system on eMMC...
    if you don't swap 50x per hour it should be not that big problem to go to box and insert/eject the card when rebooting the box!?

    Understood, except this is what has been fully available in past via balbes150 builds, reboot into Android from LibreELEC and reboot into LibreELEC from Android without any need to regularily play around removing and re-inserting SD. (Well at least for kvim devices)

    For all.

    If you have run coreelec or an older version of LE. To launch new versions should be upgraded as a universal multi-boot to a new version (script aml_autoscript latest images). Older multi-boot versions have errors that are not compatible with newer versions.

    hmmm when you state older versions of LibreELEC (how old?) and ref ukmark62 earlier post what is your recommended method to check current status and correct?

    Also to install and then maintain ability to boot between LibreELEC installed on SD (Latest version i.e. 20190716) into Android running on EMMC and vice-versa chewitt mentioned that there is no plan to support multiboot feature within an official version of LibreELEC so how would users like myself of KVIM2 get around this planned limitation. (i.e. via a future LibreELEC addon)

    Thanks for the info. I definitely don’t want to spend time debugging problems with nightly builds. Reporting issues to Milhouse is definitely the right thing to do. Happy to look at issues with any regular builds

    Issue confirmed as starting in #0528, #0524 & #0528 kodi.logs provided within Kodi forum HERE

    zomboided just a heads up that there appears to be an issue with inability to enter settings option of this addon, when using very latest nightly builds of LibreELEC ref THIS POST in Kodi Forum. The addon still working as it should in background, just unable to enter settings to make adjustments.

    I concur with tez1 that this issue was possibly introduced around #0528, 28-May-2019 onwards in the v19 - LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 19.0) as mentioned in his above post.

    Your addon is still working correctly with Kodi 18.2 (Linux Kernel 4.19.x) LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.0.2 and I believe upto #0524 of v19 milhouse nightly test builds. I am running on latest nightly build and will jump back to pre #0528 to check myself when exactly issue is introduced and provide differentiating kodi logs. (Hopefully sometime over weekend)

    balbes150  chewitt Installed 20190604 AMLGX (S905_S905X_S912) over running 20190530 build on my Kvim2 pro

    (Include valid tar in update folder and reboot method)

    Believe I have already read somewhere else (probably in github) that LibreELEC performs in situ update on reboot but then during update complains that its unable to locate/create dtb folder. (didn't manage to catch warning message, as boot screen quickly disappears)

    Quick look at the SD on PC and original dtb folder appears to have been renamed to dtb_old with replacement dtb folder not created?

    Checked uEnv.ini already contained valid modified pointer to dtb_name=/dtb/meson-gxm-khadas-vim2.dtb which it did.

    Manually copied dtb_old folder to create dtb folder again, then once SD inserted back into Kvim2, able to boot correctly into 20190604 :):cool:

    For info...quick screen grab of contents of SD with manually re-created dtb folder


    Although not for the C2, I can personally vouch for what chewitt has stated, as have been regularly "enjoying :/" installing and updating latest builds on SD for use with my khadas vim2 pro where "LibreELEC backup" before and "LibreELEC restore of backup" after is extremely sound advice in eliminating or at least minimising work involved to maintain installation with addons, consistently set-up and operating as I would expect.

    AMLGX is for GXBB/GXL/GXM hardware

    AMLG12 is for G12A/B hardware

    Assume LibreELEC-AMLG12.aarch64-9.1-devel-20190523111656-a41fdf1-khadas-vim2.img.gz provided by balbes150 Here is for a khadas vim3 and is currently named incorrectly for khadas vim2 ?

    I am Currently running LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-9.1-devel-20190521114453-a41fdf1-box.img.gz on my vim2 Pro and experiencing black GUI text, ref this thread post. My current understanding as interested kodi user with khadas vim2 Pro, is to maintain my focus on recent AMLGX.arm-9.1 (32bit) “box” builds as these particular named builds will most likely have highest level of LibreELEC + kodi addon focus/support for vim2 Pro moving forward.

    Feedback for Khadas VIM2 Pro with build 20190521

    Installed LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-9.1-devel-20190521114453-a41fdf1-box.img.gz cleanly onto SD card.

    (editing uEnv.ini to add pointer to meson-gxm-khadas-vim2.dtb)

    Booted into LibeELEC for first time and Kodi GUI Text is all Black?



    Utilised a previous build backup, to get latest installation how I like with few addons set-up for basic usage testing where after backup installed GUI text was still black? Kodi.log

    Additional quick sanity checks on use, after capturing above kodi log.

    Wired LAN OK as expected.

    Streaming Live TV via typical addon, Graphics and Audio OK via HDMI - H264@854x480

    Watching DVB-T Live TV via Tvheadened backend running on rpi3 across network, Graphics and Audio OK via HDMI - H264@1290x1080

    Note thin purple horizontal line is always present across bottom of screen when streaming and watching Live TV

    MikeKL Due to recent changes in LE build system a "box" option was added for a universal build to use on non-SBC targets. balbes150 decided to remove KVIM/KVIM2 specific builds as these SBCs come with a built-in u-boot (on eMMC) and can use "box" images.

    OK So I can just drop tar I proposed into update folder on current running LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-9.1-devel-20190512121532-df6beb1 install and switch to box image/build, with minimum effort and assume I will I be able to boot between android running on emmc and libreELEC on SD which was case until recently. (Not sure which recent LibreELEC build, boot between SD & EMMC stopped working for me)

    Thanks for explanation about "box" image, will update later this week. (Will make sure to take LibreELEC backup before attempt latest update)

    balbes150 for Khadas Vim2 Pro and kernel_5.x I am little lost with latest individual download naming combinations for today 20190515 here

    i.e. Is it correct to assume at time of my post that currently no common build for AMLGX_S905_S912 devices or perhaps you created filename for example LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-9.1-devel-20190515095611-a41fdf1-box.tar to cover greater overall range of S905_S912 devices?

    I have being perfoming in situ updates, so want to be sure I am selecting correct build for my update. Thanks for continuing to provide regular bleeding edge builds :)

    As mentioned in previous post in this thead, now able to simply download tar file, transfer on network into update folder, for an in-situ reboot to update of my KVIM2 PRO. Just done so for 20190512 :)

    I did notice after this partcular update from 20190510 that my previous manual settings for wired lan connection were lost requiring me to re-input etc?

    (Known Wireless & Bluetooth not currently working on Vim2 Pro, requiring drivers for kernel_5.x)

    All other user setup elements i.e. installed addons + settings appeared to be in order.

    Perhaps now is moment to start new kernel_5.x - LibreELEC Testbuilds for S9xxx (Kodi 19.0) thread to keep everyone updated on available alpha releases etc. With perhaps clarification within 1st post of current reference SOC S9xxx devices, most likely to gain full support in next LibreELEC version?

    Ive just performed live in situ update of my KVIM2 Pro (from LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-9.1-devel-20190425 to LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-9.1-devel-20190430) transfering downloaded tar file over network into update folder on VIM2. Rebooting device updates and maintains all existing user settings, addons installed etc.

    I am personally finding most recent alpha releases with panfrost graphics driver more stable and acceptable for below 4K test usage with local files, Internet streaming + Live Terrestrial TV served from rpi3 running Tvheaend. :)8) With understanding of existing limitations i.e. No wifi for KVIM2

    Thanks to everyone involved.

    Hi MikeKL,

    Can a VIM2 be received? Can you recommend this? I want to buy for Live Tv.

    Best regards.

    I am personally happy with my VIM2 which I purchased in order to be prepared with device that I could easily switch to Android with varied TV Apps installed (running on EMMC) when latest stable versions of LibreELEC and/or CoreELEC installed on SD with add-ons included that I currently use are unable to provide Live TV streaming/catch-up services consistently for whatever the reason. (I don't have TV with any build in catch-up apps and am in no rush to purchase at the moment) It’s working very well in this particular role for me.

    I have not attempted to connect USB DVB-T to my vim2 directly as my existing rpi3 b+ is set-up for that purpose and works very well providing Live TV around home to various devices “including vim2 via tvheadend client” connected to rpi3 b+ running tvheadend backend 24/7 on my home network.

    I essentially purchased VIM2 because I enjoy fiddling around in spare time at a user level, keeping myself aware of latest tech trends with regard to running kodi etc.

    As your no doubt aware (if your following this thread) stable version of LibreELEC based on kodi 18 is not available for VIM2, but by regularly installing community alpha releases provided via this thread (thanks to balbes150 etc) things do appear to be moving in right direction reference future LibreELEC test builds based on kodi 19.